
Surah al-Naba (Surah 78: Revelation Order 80)

The news about a Day of the Decision  

  • What are they asking about? (78:1). About the great event (78:2). Which they are disagreement in it (78:3). Nay, they will know (78:4). Then nay, they will know (78:5).
  • Note: This is about a news of a Day of the Decision in which many of us may have disagreement but God has confirmed that we all have to go through it.

The earth has been made habitable for the humans  

  • Do we not make the earth a resting place (78:6), and the mountains as pegs? (78:7). And we have created you in pairs (78:8). And we have made your sleep for rest (78:9). And we have made the night as covering (78:10). And have made the day for livelihood (78:11). And we have built above you strong seven (heavens) (78:12). And we have placed a burning lamp (78:13). And we have sent down abundant water from the clouds (78:14). That we can produce grain and vegetation with it (78:15). And the greenery gardens (78:16).
  • Note: God has made the earth a temporary living place for the humans creating in pairs and has provided everything what they need to support them in here. If we can reflect to His blessings, we should not have any doubt that we should be grateful to Him, even these are signs for us that we can believe in our Lord.

A Day of the Decision

  • Indeed, a day of the Decision has been an appointed time (78:17). A day will be blown in the trumpet that you come in throngs (78:18). And the heaven has been opened that has become gateways (78:19). And has been moved the mountains that has become a mirage (78:20).
  • Note: God has created us and has made an appointed time for a day of the Decision when the trumpet will be blown to gather the humans before Him and the earth will be leveled removing the mountains followed by the end of the world. On a day the transgressors will be punished and the righteous will be rewarded according to reckoning.

Hell is a place of return for the transgressors

  • Indeed, Hell has been in waiting (78:21). A place of return for the transgressors (78:22), being dwellers therein for ages (78:23). They will neither taste coolness therein, nor any drink (78:24), except boiling water and filth of drainage (78:25), a recompense exacting (for them) (78:26). Indeed, they had not done to expect (our) reckoning (78:27). And they had denied denying in our revelations (78:28). And (even) everything we had mentioned it in a book (78:29). So, you shall taste that we will not increase you except punishment (78:30).
  • Note: Hell is a place of return for the transgressors on a day of Decision being dwellers therein for ages having punishment as they had not done to expect reckoning and had denied Lord’s revelations.

A reward for the righteous for successful return to their Lord

  • Indeed, there is success for the righteous (78:31), having gardens and grapevines (78:32), and well matched spouses (78:33), and a full cup (of delicious drinks) (78:34). They will neither hear any vain talk therein, nor any falsehood (78:35), a reward as a gift on reckoning from your Lord (78:36), Lord of the heavens and the earth, and whatever between them, the Gracious does not empower them any authority from Him (78:37).
  • Note: There is success for the righteous on a day of Decision for their return to a good place having gardens and grapevines, well matched spouses and delicious drinks as reward from their Lord.

All authority belongs to God on a day of Judgment

  • A day will stand the Spirit and the angels in a row; they will not speak except whoever the Gracious has permitted for him, and he has said truth (78:38). That is the day of the Truth. So, whoever has willed has accepted a return towards his Lord (78:39). Indeed, we have warned you about a near punishment, a day will see the human what has sent forth his hands, and the disbeliever will say, “Oh, I wish! I had been dust.” (78:40).
  • Note: On a day of Judgment all the angels will stand before God but no one can speak except whoever He has permitted him and he cannot speak except the truth being it the day of the Truth, while God has warned us all about the day when the human will see what he has sent forth, and the disbeliever will say, “I wish, I had been dust.”

Surah Al-Naba (Surah 78: The Great Event) is a short surah consisting of 40 short verses addressing a day of the Decision. The Surah can be reviewed reflecting that there is an appointed time of a day of the Decision for the humans upon their return to their Lord followed by the end of the world when the trumpet will be blown. Upon reckoning what they have sent forth, the transgressors will be punished in Hell, a worst place of return having bitter food and intolerable drinks for denying Lord’s revelations, while the righteous will be rewarded with a better place of return having gardens and grapevines, well matched spouses and delicious drinks. In the Surah God has warned us about a day of return to Him when all the angels will also stand before Him and the humans will see what they have sent forth and the disbeliever will say, “Oh, I wish! I had been dust.”

However, God has let us know that He has all authority on the day and has made the day known to us as Last Day, a Day of Destruction, a Day of Resurrection, a Day of Gathering, a Day of Judgment, a Day of Decision and a Day of Recompense that we can accept our return towards Him and can prepare ourselves expecting a return to a better place with Him, which He has only made possible for us being followers of His reminder.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (08/12/2022).