
Surah al-Naazi`aat (Surah 79: Revelation Order 81)

Oath of God

  • By the angels who snatch forcibly (the souls of the unrighteous) (79:1). And the angels who take gently (the souls of the righteous) (79:2). And the angels who will be floating all around (on a day of the Judgment) (79:3). And the angels who will be racing a race (to carry out their Lord’s command) (79:4). And the angels who will be arranging matter (79:5).
  • Note: This is a multiple statements oath of God referring to 5 different groups of angels involving their duties on the earth as well as on a day of the Judgment: (1) al-naziat – those who put the unrighteous to death, (2) al-nashitat – those who put the righteous to death, (3) al-sabihat – those who will be floating all around, (4) al-sabiqat – those who will be racing a race and (5) al-mudabirat – those who will be arranging every matter.

God has confirmed the end of the world

  • A day there will quake the quaking (79:6). The subsequent one will follow it (79:7). Hearts on that day will be palpitating (79:8). Their eyes will be humbling (79:9).
  • Note: By taking oath referring to 5 different groups of angels God has affirmed a day the world will come to an end and what will happen to us on that day that we do not have any doubt about that.

Believing in resurrection is difficult for the disbelievers but it is easy for God

  • They say, “Will we surely be returned to the former state? (79:10). How when we have been decayed bones?” (79:11). They have said, “That is then a return being losing one.” (79:12). That it is just a single shout (79:13). That when they are in awakened (79:14).
  • Note: Even resurrection may seem difficult to the disbelievers but it is very easy for God, and it is so easy for Him that it will take just a single shout when all will wake up.

History of Moses with Pharaoh and his people

  • Has there come to you a story of Moses? (79:15). When His Lord had called him in the holy valley of Tuwa (79:16), “Go to Pharaoh; indeed, he has transgressed.” (79:17). And tell him, “Would it be for you to that you will purify? (79:18). And I will guide you to your Lord that you would fear.” (79:19). Then he had showed him the great sign (79:20). But he had denied and disobeyed (79:21). Then he turned away as he had made a great effort (against God) (79:22). So he had gathered and proclaimed (79:23). Then he said, “I am your Lord, the high.” (79:24). So God had seized him with an exemplary punishment in the Hereafter as well as in the first life (79:25). Indeed, in that surely, there is a lesson for whoever fears (God) (79:26).
  • Note: When Moses had shown Pharaoh the great sign of God, he denied and disobeyed; and God seized him with an exemplary punishment in the Hereafter and in the earth making it a lesson for the people of the subsequent generations.

Creation of humans was not more difficult than that of the heaven for God

  • Are you a creation of more difficult or the heaven He had constructed it? (79:27). He had raised its ceiling as He had designed it (79:28). And He had darkened its night and had made its brightness (79:29). And the earth after that He had given an egg shape to it (79:30). He had produced its water and its pasture from it (79:31), and the mountains He had made them fixed (79:32), a provision for you and for your livestock (79:33).
  • Note: He had designed and built the heaven including both darkness and brightness in it. Then He had made the earth flattened including water, pasture and the mountains as well as providing for both humans and animals from it. Thus, if we can reflect to the logic that creation of humans is not more difficult than that of the heaven for God, we should not have any doubt or difficulty to believe in a day of the Resurrection to prepare ourselves to face our Lord when we will be meeting Him.

Our striving on earth will put us in Hell or in Paradise on a day of Judgment

  • Then when there has come the great disaster (79:34), is a day the human will remember what he had strived for (79:35). The Hellfire has been made evident to whoever sees (79:36), then as for whoever had transgressed (79:37) and had preferred the life of the world (79:38), then indeed, the Hellfire which is the abode (for him) (79:39). And as for whoever had feared standing before his Lord and had forbidden the soul from the vain desires (79:40), then indeed, Paradise which is the abode (for him) (79:41).
  • Note: God has made it very simple and clear that we will receive our compensation when we will meet Him based on what we have done in the earth. Those who had transgressed and preferred the life of the world will be in Hell as their abode and those who had restrained themselves from the vain desires fearing that they have to stand before God will be in Paradise as their abode.

Prophet had no knowledge when the world will come to end

  • They ask you (Muhammad) about the Hour, when is its time? (79:42). In what you (Muhammad) are of its reminder (79:43). To your Lord is its future (79:44). You are just a warner for whoever fears it (79:45). Thus that a day they see it, they do not remain except an evening or its morning (79:46).
  • Note: Prophet Muhammad had no knowledge when the world will come to an end except being a warner of its reminder for those who expect and fear it, while on that day people will know they had been half a day on the earth.

Surah Al-Naazi`aat (Surah 79: The angels who snatch) can be reviewed reflecting to the duties of the angels on the earth as well as on a day of the Judgment followed by the end of the world, and the termination of our lives on the earth by two different categories of angels starting our journey to the Hereafter in two different paths, while the judgment will be done based on what we have done in the earth. Thus, our abode will be either Hell, which will be brought into existence on that day, or Paradise. Prophet had no knowledge of when the world will come to an end except being a warner of its reminder for those who expect it. Even the surah is short consisting of simple and short verses but its study may help believers to strengthen their hearts eliminating many confusion and misinterpretation around. God has reminded us in the surah that we do not miss the peace and enjoyment of the eternal life for the luxury and happiness of half a day life on the earth being deceived by the Satan and its allies.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (08/05/2022).