
Surah al-Layl (Surah 92: Revelation Order 9)

Oath of God

  • By the night as it covers (92:1). And the day as it has revealed (92:2). And what has created the male and the female (92:3).
  • Note: This is an oath of God consisting of 3 statements referring to (1) what He has made to cover the night (darkness), (2) what He has made to reveal the day (light) and (3) what He has created to make the male and the female (hereditary material) that the people can easily reflect to put trust upon their Lord to obey His command not falling in trap of the Satan and his allies.

There is easy life for the charitable and believers

  • Indeed, your efforts are surely diverse (92:4). So as for whoever gives (to charity) and fears (God) (92:5), and has believed in the best (92:6), then we will make for him to the ease (92:7).
  • Note:  By taking oath God has affirmed that He has made the life easy for those who are charitable and fear Him, and have believed in the best, the Quran being a scripture revealed with best statements confirmed in (39:23).

There is difficult life for the miser and deniers

  • And as for whoever is stingy and has have enough (92:8). And has denied in the best (92:9). Then we will make for him to the difficulty (92:10). And his wealth will not help him when he has fallen into ruin (92:11).
  • Note: By taking oath God has affirmed that He has made the life difficult for those who are stingy even they have enough, and have denied in the best, the Quran being a scripture revealed with best statements confirmed in (39:23), while their wealth will not help them when they will be fallen in ruin.

To God belong the Hereafter and the first life

  • Indeed, upon us is the guidance (92:12). And indeed, to us belong the Hereafter and the first life (92:13).
  • Note:  The guidance comes from God to Whom belong the Hereafter and life of the world. Thus, we do not have escape from Him, and we cannot ignore our accountability to Him.

A blazing Fire is for a wretched while a righteous is removed from it

  • So, I have warned you about a blazing Fire (92:14). None will enter it except the wretched one (92:15). Who has denied and has turned away (92:16). And the righteous one will be removed from it (92:17), who gives his wealth to purify him (92:18), and not to be rewarded any favor for anyone with him (92:19), except seeking a pleasure of his Lord, the High (92:20), and surely he will be pleased (92:21).
  • Note: God has warned the blazing Fire for those who have denied and turned away from His message, while He will remove it from those who have purified themselves by giving their wealth to charity seeking a pleasure of their Lord, the High.

Surah al-layl (Surah 92: The Night) is an earlier revelation and a short surah consisting of 21 short verses starting with an oath of God, which has addressed that the people can choose an easy life instead of the difficult life to escape Hell by purifying themselves giving to charity seeking God’s pleasure as well as not denying and turning away from His message informing them that the Hereafter as well as the life of the world belongs to Him.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (9/23/22).