
Surah al-Jaathiyah (Surah 45: Revelation Order 65)


Surah al-Jaathiyah is an initialed surah prefixed with Ha.Meem, a set of Quranic initials as an oath of God that confirms a revelation of the scripture from God – the Almighty, the Wise, and is also found in other 6 six surahs in the Quran. The name of the surah comes from the word, jaathiyatan meaning “kneeling” in the active participle form found in the verse, 28 of the surah.

Count of Ha.Meem (HM) prefixed to 7 surahs

There are 7 Ha.Meem prefixed surahs in the Quran and the count of Ha.Meem in all 7 Ha.Meem initialed surahs is shown in the table below along with the order of revelation of surah, and their total count is a multiple of 19 =>2147 = (19x113):

Note: Data obtained from the updated count of Quranic initials published in the

It is noteworthy that the total occurrences of Ha.Meem as counted in the seven surahs is a multiple of 19, which means that they occur at certain frequencies as maintained by the Author along with literary excellence in His book, and if any of these letters in these seven surahs is altered where they belong to, it would destroy this mathematical phenomenon. Thus, these letters are not only mathematical proofs of the Quran that the Quran is from God but are also protecting it from any distortion being letter level invisible guards as God has promised (15:9) connected to the prophecy of emerging of a creature from the earth (27:82), which was hidden to the people in the past even many who witness the truth now.

Details of the surah

Surah Al-Jaathiyah is a Ha.Meem initialed short and its verses are detailed out in the English translation going through the Arabic text and grammar to reflect the word for word translation in the translation including subtitles and short notes to better understand the messages in the sura:

Oath of God

  • (By) Ha.Meem (45:1). A revelation of the scripture is from God, the Almighty, the Wise (45:2).
  • Note: The statement in 45:1 is an oath of God consisting of Arabic letters ‘Ha’ and ‘Meem’ known as Quranic initials being at the very beginning of the sura affirms that a revelation of the scripture has come from Him. However, the quranic initials being signs of the book having multiple roles are also the lower level physical proofs of the numerical structure of Quran, and the total occurrences of these letters ‘Ha’ and ‘Meem’ in the Arabic text of 7 suras 40 through 46 is a multiple of 19 =>292 (Ha) + 1855 (Meem) = 2147 = 19 x 113.

Signs in the heavens and the earth for a people to reflect

  • Indeed, in the heavens and the earth there are surely signs for the believers (45:3). And in your creation and what He disperses from creature are signs for a people to ascertain (45:4). And alternation of the night and the day, and what God has sent down from the sky for provision that He has given life to the earth with it after its death, and directing of the winds are signs for a people to reflect (45:5).
  • Note: (1) Creation of human and other creature, (2) alternation of day and night, (3) sending down of water from the sky for provision and giving life to the dead land, and (4) directing of wind for moving clouds are signs for the people to reflect to believe in God and His revelations.

Believing God’s revelations reflecting to signs in His statement

  • That is of God’s signs we recite them to you (Muhammad) with the truth. Then in which Hadith after God and His revelations do they believe (45:6)? Woe to every sinful liar (45:7) who hears God’s revelations, is recited to him, then he insists on being arrogant as if he does not hear them. So, you shall give him a news of a painful punishment (45:8).
  • Note: God has revealed certain verses indicating signs from His creations are truth leave no room to disbelieve in His revelations. Thus, when His revelations are recited, then those who insist on becoming arrogant as if they do not hear them will have a painful punishment.

Consequence for ridiculing God’s revelations

  • And when he has learned anything from our revelations, he has taken them in ridicule. Those – for them there is a shameful punishment (45:9). Hell is of their behind, and will not help them anything what they have earned, and there are no protectors for what they have taken other than God. And for them there is a terrible punishment (45:10). This is a guidance, and those who have disbelieved in their Lord’s revelations, for them there is a painful punishment for corrupt behavior (45:11).
  • Note: Those who have learned from God’s revelations but they ridicule them will have a shameful punishment. Hell is behind them and they will have no helpers for what they have earned. There are no protectors for them for what they have taken other than God. His revelation is a guidance and those who have disbelieved in their Lord’s revelation, for them there is a painful punishment for evil behavior.

God has provided from the sea and the land to appreciate

  • God is One who has committed the sea for you that the ship sails in it by His command, and that you may seek of His bounty, and that you may appreciate (45:12). And He has committed for you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth; all from Him. In that there is surely of signs for a people who can reflect (45:13).
  • Note: God has provided us from the sea and the land that we can appreciate Him while we may reflect them as signs from Him in the heavens and the earth.

The believers only do for themselves avoiding the disbelievers

  • Say (Muhammad) to those who have believed to forgive for those who do not expect God’s days that He would recompense a people for what they have done to earn (45:14). Whoever has done as righteous, so is it for his own good, and whoever has done evil, so is it for his soul. Then to your Lord you will be returned (45:15).
  • Note: We are individually responsible to God for our deeds and should disregard those who do not expect their meeting with their Lord.

God has preferred Children of Israel choosing many prophets from them

  • And certainly, we have given the scripture to Children of Israel and the wisdom and the prophethood, and we have provided them with all good things, and we have preferred them over a people of the world (45:16). And we have given them clear proofs of the commandment, then they have not differed except after what had come to them the knowledge out of jealousy between themselves. Indeed, your Lord will judge between themselves on a Day of the Resurrection in what they have done to differ in it (45:17).
  • Note: God has given the Children of Israel the clear proofs of the commandment that they do not differ after when the Quran comes to them with the clear proofs and He will judge between themselves on a Day of the Resurrection in what they have differed.

What has been revealed to Muhammad is a law for him and for a people

  • Then we have placed you (Muhammad) on a law of the matter, so you shall follow it, and not following desires of those who do not know (45:18). Indeed, they cannot help you in anything against God. And indeed, the wrongdoers are allies of them to other. And God is a Protector of the righteous (45:19). This has enlightenments for the people, and a guidance and mercy for a people who can ascertain (45:20). Have those who have committed evil deeds thought that we will make them like those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds equal their life and their death? It has been evil what they judge (45:21).
  • Note: What has been revealed to Muhammad is a law for him to disregard any desires of other people around him as it has enlightenments, guidance and mercy for a people who believe to be righteous being God is a Protector of the righteous.

God will compensate every soul whatever it has earned

  • And God has created the heavens and the earth with the truth, and that every soul may be compensated for whatever it has earned, and they will not be wronged (45:22). Have you then seen whoever has taken his ego as god, and God has let him go astray having of knowledge, and has put a seal upon his hearing and his heart, and has placed a veil on his vision? Then whoever can guide him after God? Then will you not take heed (45:23)? And they said, “It is not but our life of the world – we die and we live, and it does not destroy us except of the time!” And not for them any knowledge of that nor do they do except guess (45:24). When is recited our clear revelations to them, has not made their argument except that they said, “Bring out of our forefathers if you have been truthful ones.” (45:25). Say, “God gives you life, then He causes you death, then He will gather you to a Day of the Resurrection; there is no doubt about it, but most of the people do not know.” (45:26). And to God belong dominion of the heavens and the earth, and a day the Hour to come; that day the falsifiers will lose (45:27).
  • Note: God has created the heavens and the earth to expose those who have done right and who have done wrong. He has sent astray those who have taken their ego as their god and has sealed their hearing and hearts, even placing a veil around their vision for just reflecting to the life of the world based on their guess, and when His revelations are recited, their only saying is that bring our forefathers while He has established the Hour to happen it.

God will Compensate us based on His record

  • And you will see every community is kneeling. Every community will be called to its record, “Today, you will be compensated for what you have done to accomplish (45:28). This is our record speaking about you with the truth. Indeed, we have done to transcribe what you have done to accomplish (45:29). Then as for those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds that their Lord will admit them into His mercy. That, it is the evident success (45:30). And as for those who have disbelieved: “Did not then is recited My revelations to you, then you had been proud and you had become a people of criminals?” (45:31). When it has been said, “Indeed, God’s promise is truth and the Hour, there is no doubt in it,” you said, “We do not know what the Hour is! We do not think except an assumption and we are not with the convinced ones.” (45:32).
  • Note: God will judge us based on His record speaking about us with the truth what we have done to accomplish. Those who have believed His revelations and have done the righteous deeds will admit into His mercy while the disbelievers will be surrounded by their evils for mocking His revelations as well as the Hour will admit into the Fire.

Evils will surround those who mock with God’s revelations and the Hour

  • And has appeared to them evils of what they have done and has surrounded by them of what they have done with it to mock (45:33). And it has been said, “Today, we forget you, as you had forgot this meeting of your Day, and your abode is the Fire and there is no helpers for you (45:34). That is of that you had taken God’s revelations in ridicule and the life of the world had deceived you.” So, they will not brought forth from it, nor will they be appeased (45:35).
  • Note: Evils will surround those who mocked with God’s revelations and the Hour, and He forgot them as they had forgot their meeting with Him while the life of the word deceived them. Thus, their abode is the Fire and they will not be excused.

All praise and greatness belong to God being Lord of the heavens and the earth

  • So to God belong all praise, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the earth, Lord of the worlds (45:36). And to Him belong the greatness in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Almighty, the Wise (45:37).
  • Note: All praise and the greatness belong to God – the Almighty, the Wise being Lord of of the heavens, Lord of the earth and Lord of the worlds.


  • Surah Al-Jaathiyah (The Kneeling) is a short surah consisting of 37 verses being one of the 7 Ha.Meem initialed surahs.
  • Ha.Meem is a set of Quranic initials confirms a revelation of the scripture from God, the Almighty, the Wise.
  • There are signs in the heavens and in the earth, which are visual facts that people cannot disregard could help them to be believers of God.
  • God has made a statement including certain signs from His creations through His revelations that people can reflect not to have any doubt to believe in His revelations.
  • Thus, when His revelations are recited, then those who insist on being arrogant as if they do not hear will have a painful punishment.
  • God has given us provision from the sea and the land that we can appreciate Him while we may reflect them as signs from Him in the heavens and the earth as well.
  • We are individually responsible to God for our deeds and should disregard those who do not expect their meeting with their Lord.
  • God has given the Children of Israel the clear proofs of the commandment that they do not differ after when the Quran comes to them with the clear proofs.
  • He will judge between themselves on a Day of the Resurrection in what they have differed.
  • What has been revealed to Muhammad is a law for him disregarding any desires of the people around him.
  • It has enlightenments, guidance and mercy for a people who believe to be righteous being God is a Protector of the righteous.
  • God has created the heavens and the earth to expose those who have done right and who have done wrong as well.
  • He has sent astray those who have taken their ego as their god and has sealed their hearing and hearts, even placing a veil around their vision for just reflecting to the life of the world.
  • When His revelations are recited, the disbelievers has said that bring our forefathers while He has established the Hour to happen it.
  • God will judge us based on His record speaking truth about us what we have done to accomplish.
  • Who have believed His revelations and have done the righteous deeds will admit into His mercy.
  • Evils will surround those who have mocked His revelations and the Hour will admit into the Fire.
  • He forgot them as they had forgot meeting of their Lord that the life of the world had deceived them.
  • There is no doubt about our meeting with God and the Hour He has established to compensate us.
  • All praise to God on the day being Lord of the heavens, Lord of the earth and Lord of the worlds.
  • To Him is the greatness in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Almighty, the Wise.

In conclusion, God has given us opportunity to be righteous from the straightforward verses in the surah reflecting that everyone of us is responsible for his deeds and the Hour He has established to compensate every soul what it has earned while His judgment with records that will speak the truth. If we had not failed to reflect on His specific statement with signs from His creations that we can believe His revelations and can do the righteous deeds to admit into His mercy being the Almighty, the Wise, and there is no god other than Him. Thus, the life of the world would not be able to deceive us to put into a terrible punishment being sealed our hearing and hearts, and having a veil around our vision.
Peaceful Friday, salaam an d God bless.
Tafazzal (10/09/2020).