
Surah Saad (Surah 38: Revelation Order 38)

Oath of God

  • [I swear by] Saad and the Quran possessing the warning (38:1).
    Note: The statement in 38:1 is an oath of God – by Saad and the Quran possessing the warning. This kind of oath is also found in 50:1 – by Qaf and the glorious Quran. Since the quranic initials are also the lower level physical proofs of the mathematical coding of Quran, the initial ‘Saad’ occurs in 3 surahs: 7, 19 and 38, and its total of all instances as found in each surah (97, 26 and 29) is a multiple of 19 => 97 + 26 + 29 = 152(19x8) as shown in the table below:

The disbelievers are arrogant and opponent to God

  • Nay, those who have disbelieved are in arrogance and opposition (38:2).
  • Note: By taking oath referring to Saad and the Quran possessing the warning God affirms that the disbelievers are arrogant being opponent to His message.

Warning for the polytheists when has come a messenger to them

  • How many a generation have we destroyed before of them. They called for escape when there had no time (38:3). And they had wondered that a warner has come to them from them, and said the disbelievers, “This is a magician, a liar (38:4). Has he made the gods into one god? Indeed, this is a strange thing.” (38:5). The leaders from them announced that go on and be steadfast to your gods. Indeed, this is surely a thing is desired (38:6). We have not heard of this in the religion of the forefather. This is not but a fabrication (38:7). Has the reminder been sent down to him from among ourselves?” Nay, they are in doubt of My reminder. Nay, they do not yet taste My punishment (38:8). Or do they possess treasures of mercy of your Lord – the Almighty, the Grantor (38:9)? Or does belong to them the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and whatever is between them? Let them do in any means (38:10). The troops they have gathered will be defeated (38:11).
  • Note: The warning for the polytheists and their leaders that a warner has come to them from among themselves with a reminder (Quran) and if they are doubtful about it, their consequences will be as same as the disbelievers of the previous generations of the people who were not able to escape from His retribution, and whatever may be the size of their troops to win will be defeated.

History of the disbelieving people from the past generations

  • There denied before of them a people of Noah, Aad, and Pharaoh, possessor of the stakes (38:12). And Thamud, and a people of Lot, and dwellers of the Woods; those were the opponents (38:13). Not but all had denied the messengers, so was just My retribution (38:14). And what these people are waiting for is just a single blow, from which they can never recover (38:15). They said: “Our Lord, hasten for us our retribution, before the Day of Reckoning.” (38:16).
  • Note: The people of the previous generations who disbelieved their messengers and became opponents to God faced the consequences of their disbelief and opposition. The fate of these disbelieving people will be the same while the hour is not too far from them but they wanted to see it earlier as they do not believe the Day of Reckoning and its retribution.

The story of judgment of David (Dawood)

  • Be patient to what they say, and recall our servant David, he was turning in repentance (38:17). Indeed, we had committed the mountains to glorify with him at dusk and dawn (38:18). And the birds were gathered; all were obedient to him (38:19). And we had strengthened his kingship and had given him the wisdom and decision of the justness (38:20). Has the story of the disputing parties come to you, who reached the chamber climbing over the wall (38:21)? When they had appeared before David, then he was afraid of them. They said, “Do not fear. We are two litigants; one of us has wronged to another; so, judge between ourselves with the truth, and do not be unjust and guide us to the path of even.” (38:22). “This is my brother and he owns ninety nine sheep while I own one sheep; so he said to me: ‘Let me take care of it’ and he pressured me.” (38:23). He said, “He has wronged you by demanding your ewe to his ewes. And indeed, many of the partners surely oppress of them over other except those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, and they are a few.” And David had become certain that we tested him, so he had asked forgiveness of his Lord and had knelt down in bowing and had turned in repentance (38:24). So, we forgave him in this matter. We have granted him a position of honor with us, and a beautiful abode (38:25). O David, indeed, we have made you a ruler in the earth. So, you shall judge between the people with the truth, and do not follow the (your) desire, then it will divert you from a path of God. Indeed, those who go astray from a path of God, for them there is a severe punishment for that they have forgot a day of the Reckoning (38:26).
  • Note: The dispute was ninety nine vs. one. Judgment was given in favor of one by David based on his personal opinion, then he realized immediately to be unfair and repented to God for his unfair judgment. God forgave him and granted him an honorable position with Him along with placing mountains and birds at his disposal. Thus, judgment should never be driven by emotion or personal opinion rather it should be done based on facts and evidences to ensure fair judgment and David has been mentioned as an example for us to avoid unfair judgment.

Righteous and unrighteous will be treated differently

  • And we have not created the heaven and the earth, and whatever is between them is a lie. That is assumption of those who have disbelieved. So, woe to those who have disbelieved of the Fire (38:27). Or should we treat those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds like the corruptors in the earth? Or should we treat the righteous like the wicked? (38:28). A scripture, we have sent down it to you (Muhammad) is a blessed one that they study its verses and that it may remind possessors of the understanding (38:29).
  • Note: God is the Lord of the universe and He controls all matters. Both righteous and unrighteous will be judged according to criteria given in the scripture. Thus, anyone who wishes to save him from the fire will reflect on the verses of the Quran.

Solomon (Sulaiman) is Tested by Wealth

  • And to David we had granted Solomon, an excellent servant; indeed, he was turning in repentance (38:30). One afternoon, the well trained horses were displayed to him (38:31). Then he said, “I preferred material thing over remembering my Lord, until complete darkness (38:32). Bring them back”, he then rubbed their legs and necks (38:33). And certainly, we had tested Solomon and had placed a body on his throne, then he had turned in repentance (38:34). He said, “My Lord, forgive me, and grant me a kingship never attained by anyone else. You are the Grantor.” (38:35). Then we committed the wind to him to flow by his command gently wherever he directed (38:36). And the devils, building and diving (38:37). And others were placed at his disposal (38:38). “This is our gift to you; you may give generously, or withhold, without limits.” (38:39). He has deserved a position of closeness with us, and a wonderful abode (38:40).
  • Note: Solomon was regular in his praise and prayers but one day he missed one prayer because of the horse and he repented to God for it. He was also tested with taking away of his kingship. But he repented and implored God for a greater kingship. He was granted a greater kingship even placing the wind and the Jinns including others at his disposal.

Job (Ayyub) is Tested by Health and Family

  • Remember our servant Job: he called upon his Lord that the devil has afflicted me with illness and pain.” (38:41). “Strike the ground with your foot, this is a spring of cold water to wash with and a drink.” (38:42). And we restored his family for him along with a group like them, as a mercy from us; and a reminder for those who possess intelligence (38:43). “And take in your hand a bundle and travel with it, and do not break your oath.” We found him steadfast. What a good servant! He was obedient (38:44).
  • Note: Job was restored with better health and family after a test upon imploring God to remove his affliction, which may serve as a reminder for us to implore God if we fall in any such adversity being a test for us as well.

Awareness of the Hereafter is a Great Blessing

  • Remember our servants: Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, possessors of the firmness and the vision (38:45). And we had chosen them with a great blessing of awareness of the Hereafter (38:46). And indeed, They were with us surely from the chosen ones, the best (38:47). And remember Ismail, and Elisha, and Zal-Kifl; and all were among the best (38:48).
  • Note: Awareness of the Hereafter is a great blessing, and all prophets, messengers and the righteous are blessed with it. Thus, those of us who have difficulty to be certain about the Hereafter should implore God for this blessing so that they can navigate their final destination using God- given positioning system (GPS) in our brain.

A wonderful abode for the righteous with good provisions and companions

  • This is a reminder; and indeed, there is surely a good place of return for the righteous (38:49). Gardens of Eden; are opened the gates for them (38:50). Relaxing therein, will have different kinds of fruits and drinks (38:51). And with them will have a well matched of the modest companions (38:52). This is what you are promised on a Day of the Reckoning (38:53). Indeed, this is certainly our provision; there is no depletion for it (38:54).
  • Note: Heaven is allegorically presented to us but to be the best place for resting, and it will be granted to the righteous.

A miserable abode for the disbelievers

  • This is so, and indeed, for the transgressors, is a miserable abode (38:55). Hell is where they will burn; what a worst place of resting! (38:56). This is so, and let them taste a boiling drink and torturous food (38:57). And many others of the same kind (38:58). Here is another group to be thrown into Hell with you. There is no welcome for them. They shall burn in the Fire (38:59). They said, “No, there is no welcome for you. You brought this upon us. Therefore, here is the miserable end result.” (38:60). They said, “Our Lord, whoever brought this upon us, then double their retribution in the Fire!” (38:61). And they said: “Why do we not see people whom we used to count them among the wicked? (38:62). Have we ridiculed them wrongly or we just turned away our eyes from them?” (38:63). Indeed, this is the truth about the dispute among the people of Hell (38:64).
  • Note: Hell is also allegorically presented to us but to be the worst place of resting, and it will be granted to the disbelievers. The people of Hell will dispute each other for their miserable consequences. They will remorse on wrongly ridiculing them who were really the righteous ones.

There is no god except God

  • Say, “Indeed, I am a warner; and there is no god except God – the One, the Supreme (38:65), Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them – the Almighty, the Forgiving.” (38:66).
  • Note: All prophets and messengers are warners and the first commandment for them is to preach: “There is no god except God.” and He is the One, the Supreme, Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, the Almighty, the Forgiving.

The story of the Great Feud in the High Society

  • Say, “Here is a great news (38:67). You are an averse from it (38:68). It has not been for me any knowledge of the High Society when they were disputing (38:69). It is not revealed to me except that I am only a clear warner.” (38:70). When your Lord said to the angels, “Indeed, I am creating a human being from clay (38:71). So when I have designed him and have blown into him from My spirit, then you shall fall down to him as prostrators.”(38:72). So the angels had prostrated all of them together (38:73). Except Iblis – he had been arrogant and had been with the disbelievers (38:74). He said, “O Iblis, what has prevented you from prostrating to whom I have created with My hands? Have you been arrogant or have you been with the exalted ones?” (38:75). He said, “I am better than him; You have created me from fire, and You have created him from clay.” (38:76). He said, “So, get out of here as indeed you are accursed (38:77). And indeed, upon you is My curse until a day of the Judgment.” (38:78). He said, “My Lord, give me respite until a day they are resurrected.” (38:79). He said, “Then indeed, you are with those who are given respite (38:80). Until a day of the renowned time.” (38:81). He said, “Then by Your majesty, surely, I will mislead them all (38:82). Except Your servants, the sincere ones from them.” (38:83). He said, “Then it is the truth and the truth I say (38:84). Surely, I will fill Hell with you and whoever has followed you from them all.” (38:85).
  • Note: The great feud is an awesome news for us as it informs us that Satan was the great enemy of us in the first life (Heavenly life), and he and his allies are the same in the second life (final chance on earthly life) as well. We also learn from this event that just warning was not enough to protect us from the Satan and has been given practices along with detailed instructions to become successful at the final chance. Thus, we must make our utmost efforts to save us from the Fire. Even we are blessed to have mathematical confirmation of this event to strengthen our hearts to make our appropriate reflection. The history of the Great Feud is detailed out in 83 verses across 8 surahs in the Quran and the sum of the relevant surah and verse # of all these references is a multiple of 19 => 4560 = 19x240.

Quran is a reminder for a people of the world

  • Say, “I (prophet) do not ask you any reward for it, nor am I a pretender (38:86). “This is not but a reminder for a people of the the world (38:87). And you will certainly know its news after a while.” (38:88).
  • Note: Quran is a reminder for the world, which has been revealed through Prophet Muhammad to preach it to the people to give them good news as well as to warn them so that they can prepare them for the day which is promised to come.


Surah Saad is one of the initialed surahs and the most significant aspects that are covered in it are: (1) the behavior of disbelievers, (2) warning for the contemporary polytheists and history of the disbelievers of the past generations (3) the judgment of David, (4) treatment with righteous and unrighteous, (5) Solomon is tested by wealth while Job is tested by health and family, (6) awareness of Hereafter is a great blessing, (7) wonderful abode for righteous while miserable abode for unrighteous, (8) the commandment to worship God being the only deity, (9) the history of great feud and (10) Quran is a reminder for the people of the world.

The surah begins with God’s oath consisting of Saad and the Quran possessing the warning, and the true believers can only realize how awesome the God’s oath is! The oath affirms that the disbelievers are arrogant and defiant. The warning for the polytheists and their leaders that a warner has come to them among themselves with a reminder (Quran) and if they are doubtful about it, their consequences will be as same as the disbelievers of the previous generations who were not able to escape from His retribution, and whatever may be the size of their troops to win will be defeated. While the hour is not too far from them but these people wanted to see it earlier as they do not believe a Day of Reckoning nor do they realize its retribution.

The dispute was ninety nine vs. one, while judgment was given in favor of one by David based on his personal opinion that he realized immediately to be unfair and repented to God for his unfair judgment. God forgave him and granted him an honorable position with Him along with placing mountains and birds at his disposal. Thus, judgment should never be driven by emotion or personal opinion rather it should be done based on facts and evidences to ensure fair judgment and David has been mentioned as an example for us to avoid unfair judgment.

God is the Lord of the universe and He controls all matters. Both righteous and unrighteous will be judged according to criteria given in the scripture. Thus, anyone who wishes to save him from the fire will reflect on the verses of the Quran.

Solomon was regular in his praise and prayers but one day he missed one prayer because of the horse and he repented to God for it rather to make it up. He was also tested with taking away of his kingship. But he repented and implored God for a greater kingship. He was granted a greater kingship even placing the wind and the Jinns including others at his disposal.

Job was restored with better health and family after a test upon imploring God to remove his affliction, which may serve as a reminder for us to implore God if we fall in any such adversity being a test for us as well.

Awareness of the Hereafter is a great blessing, and all prophets, messengers and the righteous are blessed with it. Thus, those of us who have difficulty to be certain about the Hereafter should implore God for this blessing so that they can navigate their final destination using God- given positioning system (GPS) in our brain.

Heaven and Hell are allegorically presented to us. Heaven is to be the best place for resting while Hell is to be the worst place of resting. Heaven will be granted to the righteous while Hell will be granted to the disbelievers. The people of Hell will dispute each other for their miserable consequences. They will remorse on wrongly ridiculing them who were really the righteous ones.

All prophets and messengers are warners and they all preach the first commandment of the ten commandments given to Moses, which is: “There is no god except God.”

The great feud is an awesome news for us as it informs us that Satan was the great enemy of us in the first life (Heavenly life), and he and his allies are the same in the second life (final chance on earthly life) as well. We also learn from this event that just warning was not enough to protect us from Satan and we have been given practices along with detailed instructions to become successful at the final chance. Thus, we must make our utmost efforts to save us from the Fire. Even we are blessed to have mathematical confirmation of this event to strengthen our hearts to make our appropriate reflection.

What we see in the God’s oath at beginning of the surah has been confirmed at the end that Quran is a reminder for the people of the world and there is no hint of the Quran’s mathematical code in the surah as pointed by some of us. However, the reminder being the last of God’s scripture has been revealed through this prophet to preach it to the people to give them good news as well as warnings so that they can prepare them for the day which has been promised to come.

The key thing that we learn from this review is God, the most merciful has given us a powerful tool – repentance and imploring to Him to save us from the worst place of resting when we make any mistakes on our way as well as to remove any of our befallen affliction.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (6/3/2016).