
Surah al-Kahf (Surah 18: Revelation Order 69)

God has sent down a straightforward scripture with warning and good news

  • All praise belongs to God Who has sent down the scripture to His servant and He does not make any crookedness in it (18:1), is straight to warn a severe punishment from Him and to give good news to the believers those who do the righteous deeds that for them there is a good reward (18:2).
  • Note: All praise belongs to God who has sent down a scripture without any crookedness in it. It is straight to warn a severe punishment for the disbelievers but is a good news for the believers to do the righteous deeds to have a good reward from Him.

Both punishment and reward will be eternal

  • Abiders in it are forever (18:3).
  • Note: The punishment for the disbelievers and the reward for the believers will be eternal.

A warning about not to say God has taken a son

  • And that it warns those who said, “God has taken a son!” (18:4). They do not have any knowledge of this, nor of their parents. The word has graved coming out of their mouths. They do not say except a lie (18:5). So that you may be the one killing yourself in grief over their footsteps if they do not believe in this statement (18:6).
  • Note: It is not befitting for God to have a son. Such claim is a blasphemy as well as a lie.

A hint that the world will come to an end

  • Indeed, we have made what is on the earth is an adornment for it that we may test them which of them is best in deeds (18:7). And indeed, we will certainly be making what is on it a barren land (18:8).
  • Note: The earth and everything on it are created to expose who are the righteous among us. Then it will become a barren land.

The story of the youths in the cave

  • Or, have you thought that the dwellers of the cave, and the inscription had been a wonder of our signs? (18:9). When the youths had taken shelter to the cave, then they said, “Our Lord, grant for us mercy from You and help us with our affair to the right path.” (18:10). So, we had sealed on their ears in the cave for a number of years (18:11). Afterwards, we had raised up them while we know which of the two parties had a best calculation of time for what they had stayed (18:12). We narrate to you their story with the truth. Indeed, they were youths who had believed in their Lord, and we had increased them in guidance (18:13). And we had strengthened of their hearts when they had stood up, then they said: “Our Lord is Lord of the heavens and the earth. We will never call on any god other than Him. Certainly, had we said (there is god other than Him), then we would be in great wickedness.” (18:14). These, our people had taken gods other than Him. Why do they not come to them with a clear authority? Then who is more wicked than whoever has invented a lie about God?” (18:15).
  • And when you had left them and what they worship other than God that you shall take shelter to the cave, your Lord will extend His mercy upon you and will help you in your affair with ease (18:16). And you may see the sun when it has risen inclining away from their cave to the right, and when it has set passing away from them to the left, while they are in the open space from it. That is of God’s signs. Whomever God guides, then he is the guided one, and whomever He lets go astray, then you will not find for him a protector nor a guide (18:17). You would think that they were awake, while they were asleep, and we turned them to the right side and the left side, while their dog stretched his forearms at the entrance. If you looked at them, you would have turned back from them in flight, and you would have been filled with terror (18:18). And it was thus that we raised them so they would talk among themselves. One of them said: “How long have you stayed?” They said: “We stayed a day or part of a day.” He said: “Your Lord is surely aware how long you stayed, so send one of you with this silver coin of yours to the city, and let him see which is the purest food, and let him bring you a provision from it. And let him be careful and let no one take notice of you (18:19). If they discover you, they will stone you, or force you to revert to their religion, then you will never ever succeed.” (18:20). And thus that we had made known of them that they would know that God’s promise is truth and the Hour in it there is no doubt. When they disputed between themselves of their affair, then they said, “Build a structure around them. Their Lord is a best Knower of them.” Those who had prevailed upon their matter said, “Surely, we will make a place of worship around them.” (18:21). They will say: “Three, the fourth of them is their dog.” And they say: “Five, the sixth of them is their dog,” guessing of the unseen. And they say: “Seven, and the eighth of them is their dog.” Say: “My Lord is best Knower of their number. None knows them except for a few.” So do not debate about them except with an obvious argument, and do not seek about them from anyone of them (18:22).
  • Note: The history and the archeological discovery together depict the truth around the dwellers of the cave. The dwellers were the young Christians who had followed the teachings of Jesus but fled away from the prosecution of the neo-Christians who proclaimed a corrupted Christianity, the Trinity doctrine followed by the Nicene Conference at 323 A.D. after the death of Jesus. Franz Miller, an Austrian archeologist discovered the tomb of the dwellers of the cave located in Ephesus about 200 miles south of ancient Nicene, and 30 miles south of Izmir in Turkey in 1928.

    Always remembering God for guiding us to the straight path

  • And do not say of anything, “I will do that tomorrow (18:23). Except if God wills. “And you shall remember your Lord when you have forgot, and say, “It may have been that my Lord will guide me to the right path to a nearer than this.” (18:24).
  • Note: We should remember God when we intend to do anything to stay with God keeping away Satan from us.

    A hidden numerical sign to calculate the end of the world

  • And they had stayed in their cave three hundred years, and they had added nine (18:25). Say, “God is best Knower of that they had stayed. To Him belongs the unseen of the heavens and the earth. You see of it and You hear. For them there is no protector other than Him, nor does He share anyone in His judgment.” (18:26).
  • Note: The number expressed in a peculiar way (300 + 9) about their staying in the cave is connected with the time the world will end representing 300 solar years and 309 lunar years indicating 9 years difference between Solar and Lunar Calendar.

Full freedom in religion

  • And you (Muhammad) shall recite what has been revealed to you from your Lord’s scripture. There is no modifier of His words, and you will not find any refuge other than Him (18:27). And you (Muhammad) shall be patient for yourself with those who call their Lord in the morning and the evening, desiring His pleasure. And let not turn your eyes from them desiring an adornment of the life of the world, and you do not obey whomever we have made heedless his heart from our remembrance, and has followed his desire, and has been excess in his affair. (18:28). And say, “This is the truth from your Lord,” then whoever wills let him believe, and whoever wills let him disbelieve.” We have prepared for the wicked a fire whose walls will surround them. And when they call for relief, they are given water like boiling oil which burns their faces. What a miserable drink and an evil place of resting! (18:29). Indeed, those who believe and do righteous works, we will not let go waste the reward of the one who does righteous works (18:30). They will have the gardens of Eden with rivers flowing beneath them, and they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and will wear green outer garments of fine silk. They will rest on comfortable furnishings. What an excellent reward and a wonderful place of resting!(18:31).
  • Note: The prophet was commanded to recite what has been revealed to him and be patient and stay with those who remember their Lord in the morning and the evening to please Him. Then whoever wishes can believe or disbelieve the truth in the reminder. The wicked will be in the Fire, the evil place of resting while those who believe and do the righteous works will have the gardens of Eden, a wonderful place of resting.

Idolizing one’s wealth

  • And cite for them the example of two men: we gave one of them two gardens of grapes, surrounded by date palms, and placed other crops between them (18:32). Each of the gardens yielded its produce, and there was nothing wrong with it, and we caused a river to run through them (18:33). And he had abundant fruit, so he said to his friend during their conversation: “I have more wealth than you and have more respect from the people.” (18:34). When he entered his garden, he wronged to himself saying, “I do not think that this will ever end (18:35). And I do not think that the Hour will come, and even if I am returned to my Lord, I will surely find a return better than this being the retuned.” (18:36). His friend said to him during their conversation, “Do you disbelieve in Him who created you from dust, then from a tiny drop, then shaped you into a man? (18:37). “But as for me, He is God, my Lord, and I do not associate anyone with my Lord (18:38). When you entered your garden, why you did not say, “What God has given. All power belongs to God. You may see that I possess less wealth and children than you (18:39). Then it may be that my Lord will give me better than your garden, and He may send a disaster from the sky, then it will become completely barren (18:40). Or, its water will become to a lower level, then you will never be able to reach it.” (18:41). And its fruits were damaged, so he began twisting his hands on what he had spent on it while it had fallen on its trellises, and he said, “I wish I did not associate anyone with my Lord.” (18:42). And he had no party to help him other than God, nor had he been supported (18:43). Such is the true protection of God. He is the best to reward as well as to punish 18:44).
  • And you shall cite to hem the example of the life of the word like water we have sent down from the sky, then a vegetation of the earth has absorbed of it, then it has become straw the wind scatters it. And God has been Able over everything (18:45).
  • Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of the world, but the righteous works are better for an everlasting reward from your Lord as well as a better hope (18:46).
  • Note: The above two are of many examples mentioned in the Quran to warn us not to idolize our wealth. There are no protectors other than God who is the best to reward us or to punish us. Thus, it has been confirmed that wealth and children are the adornment of the worldly life being tests for us while the righteous works are far better for the Hereafter.

The end of the world

  • The day we will remove the mountains, and you see the earth is a plain land, and we gather them and we do not leave anyone of them behind (18:47). They will be gathered before your Lord in a row. You have come to us as that (individual) we have created you first time. Nay, you have claimed that we do not make any appointment for you (18:48). The record has been presented, and you will see the guilty fearful of what is in it. They will say, “Woe to us! What this record is for, that leaves nothing, small or large, except that it has counted.” They will find what they had done is presented, and your Lord does not deal with anyone unjustly (18:49).
  • Note: The day comes when the earth will be a plain land and we will be gathered before our Lord in rows with our records. The guilty will be fearful for what are in their records and will see that nothing are left out of their records what they have committed in the worldly life. They will also realize that their Lord is not unjust with anyone.

Warning about choosing the Satan and his descendants as protectors

  • And when we said to the angels, “Fall prostrate before Adam,” so they had prostrated except Iblis. He had been with the jinn as he had rebelled against his Lord’s command. Will you then choose him and his descendants as protectors other than Me, while they are enemies to you? It has been miserable is the exchange for the wicked 18:50). I have not made them to bear witness to the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor the creation of themselves, nor have I been One to take help of the misleaders (18:51). The day He will say, “Call upon My partners, those who you had claimed.” Then they will call on them, but they will not respond to them. And we will make between them a barrier (18:52). The guilty will see the Fire, and will realize that they will fall into it, and they will find no escape from it (18:53).
  • Note: Satan is our ardent enemy. We should not take him and his descendants as our protectors. On the promised day they will not be able to respond to the call of the wicked who have taken them as protectors instead of God, and they will have to fall into Hell and there is no escape from it.

Examples in the Quran are to lead us to the straight path

  • We have cited every example in this – the Quran for the people, but the human being is the most argumentative in nature (18:54). What has prevented the people from believing when there has come to them the guidance, and from asking forgiveness of their Lord, except that there brings to them a way of the earlier people, or there brings to them the punishment before (18:55)? We did not send the messengers except bearers of good news as well as warners. But those who disbelieve argue with falsehood to deny the truth with it, and they mock My revelations and warnings (18:56).
  • Note: God has cited many examples in the Quran to make it easier and clear in the chest of the believers while messengers are sent just as bearers of good news and warners but the disbelievers argue with falsehood to deny the truth mocking His revelations and warnings.

Retribution comes from God at an appointed time

  • And who is more wicked than whoever has been reminded with his Lord’s revelations but he has turned away from them, and has forgot what has sent forth his hands. Indeed, we have placed covering on their hearts lest they understand it (Quran), and deafness in their ears, and if you invite them to the guidance, they will never ever be guided (18:57). And your Lord is most forgiving with infinite mercy. If He were to bring them into account for what they have committed, He would have hastened the retribution for them but there is an appointed time for them from which they will never find an escape (18:58). And these are the towns we had destroyed them when they did wrong and we made their destruction at an appointed time (18:59).
  • Note: When the reminder came to them, the wicked turn away from it without realizing what they are doing. Consequently, they have been placed veils on their hearts and deafness in their ears. The retribution would come to them immediately to bring them into account for what they are committing if there were not an appointed time for it but there is no escape from it.

Meeting of Moses with the blessed knowledgeable man at the junction of the two seas

  • And when Moses said to his young companion, “I will not stop until I reach a meeting point of the two seas, even I am to continue for a long period.” (18:60). Then when they had reached a meeting point between of them, they forgot their fish, and it had taken its way of slipping into the sea (18:61). But when they had passed beyond, he said to his companion, “Let us bring our lunch, we have suffered much fatigue in this journey of ours.” (18:62). He said, “Have you seen when we had rested to the rock? Then indeed, I had forgot the fish, and it had not made me to forget it except the Satan that I remember it, and it had taken an amazing way of it into the sea.” (18:63). He said: “That is what we have been seeking!” So they went back retracing their footsteps (18:64). Then they found one of our servants, whom we had given him mercy from us and we had taught him knowledge from us (18:65). Moses said to him, “Can I follow you on that you will teach me from what you have been taught right?” (18:66). He said: “You will not be able to have patience with me? (18:67). And how can you be patient of that what you have been given no knowledge of it?” (18:68). He said, “You will find me patient if God wills, and I will not disobey your order.” (18:69).
  • Note: Before Moses’ meeting with the blessed knowledgeable man at the junction of two seas, the unusual event that happened is finding of the cooked fish its way back to sea. The fish went back to water as the Satan made Moses’ attendant forgetful about it.

Moses followed the blessed knowledgeable man

  • He said, “If you follow me, then do not ask about anything until I intend to mention it to you.” (18:70). Then they had set out until when they had boarded on a ship; he had made a hole in it. He said, “Have you made a hole in it to drown its people? Certainly, you have occurred a terrible thing.” (18:71). He said, “Did I not tell you that you will not be able to have patience with me?” (18:72). He said, “Do not blame me for what I forget and do not be hard upon me with my request.” (18:73). Then they had set out until when they had met a young boy, then he had killed him. He said, “Have you killed an innocent boy of not (killing) a person? Certainly, you have committed an evil thing.” (18:74). He said, “Did I not tell you that you will not be able to have patience with me?” (18:75). He said, “If I ask you about anything after this, then do not keep me in your company. You have arrived an excuse over me.” (18:76). Then they had proceeded until when they reached people of a town. They had asked food from its people but they refused to offer them. Then they had found a wall in it about to collapse, so he had made it straight. He said, “If you had wished, surely, you could have taken a wage for it!” (18:77).

Note: When Moses had followed him, he noticed the unusual events: (a) making of a hole in the ship, (b) killing of an innocent boy and (c) repairing of a wall about to fall without wage.

What Moses learned from the blessed knowledgeable man

  • He said, “This is the parting between me and you. I will inform you of the interpretation of what you were not able to have patience over it (18:78). As for the ship so had been for a poor people to work in the sea. Then I had intended that I make defect to it. And there had been a king after of them to seize every ship by force (18:79). And as for the youth, his parents were believers, so we feared that he would oppress them by his transgression and disbelief (18:80). So we wanted that their Lord would replace for them with one better than him in goodness and nearer in affection (18:81). As for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the town. Underneath it, was a treasure for them and their father was a righteous man. So your Lord intended that they would reach their maturity and take out their treasure as a mercy from your Lord. And what I did was not of my own accord. This is the interpretation of what you were not able to have patience over it.” (18:82).
  • Note: Moses learned that even all of those seemed to be evil but any of those events did not happen without any good reasons when there were explanations. The ship belonging to the poor fishermen was made defective not to be seized by the king, the boy was killed to replace with a better one for his parents and the wall was repaired to save the treasure of the orphans. What we learn from this story that we should keep patience and we may need to wait to make any decision in some cases until we have enough proofs.

Advent of Zul-Qarnain is the final sign of the world to come end

  • And they ask you about Zul-Qarnain. Say, “I will recite for you a reminder about him.” (18:83). We had established him in the earth and we had given him the means of everything (18:84). Then, he followed the means (18:85). Until when he reached the place of sun setting, he found it setting in water of dark mud and found people near it. We said, “O Zul-Qarnain, either you may punish, or you may do good to them.” (18:86). He said, “As for him who has done wrong, we will punish him, then he will be returned to his Lord, He will punish him a terrible punishment (18:87). “And as for whoever has believed and has done as righteous, then for him is a good reward; and we will speak to him with ease of our command.” (18:88). Then he followed the means (18:89). Until when he reached the place of sun rising, he found it rising on people whom we did not give them any cover(18:90). Thus it was, and we had full knowledge of what was with him (18:91). Then he followed the means (18:92). Until when he reached the valley of the two mountains, he found there a people whose language was barely understandable (18:93). They said, “O Zul-Qarnain, Gog and Magog are corruptors of the earth. So may we pay you to make a barrier between us and them?” (18:94). He said: “What my Lord has given me is far better. So help me with strength, and I will make a barrier between you and them.(18:95). Bring me ores of iron.” Until when he filled the gap between the two walls, he said, “Blow,” until when he made it a fire, he said, “Bring me tar that I can pour over it.” (18:96). So they could not climb it, nor could they make holes in it (18:97). He said, “This is a mercy from my Lord. Then when there has come a promise of my Lord, He has made it crumble, and a promise of my Lord is truth.” (18:98). And we will leave some of them till that day to invade with one another, then the horn is blown, and we will gather them all together (18:99).
  • Note: God has promised to send Zul-Qarnain just before the end of the world with every means to save the believers from the disbelievers and from the oppression of Gog and Magog. The appearance of Zul-Qarnain is the final sign when the world will come to an end. Zul-Qarnain, and Gog and Magog are allegorically presented. It is believed that Zul-Qarnain is one of the God chosen while Gog and Magog are two villainous communities. Zul-Qarnain will be able to build strong protection between the believers and Gog and Magog but at certain point the protection will be broken according to God’s will when the horn is blown. The world will come to an end and we all will be gathered before our Lord. It is also noteworthy that the Quran occasionally uses the past tense for telling us the future events. Thus, the verses from 84 to 99 can be understood to be the future events rather than historical information. It is also interesting to note that if the sura number which is 18 and its verse numbers from 84 to 99 where there are references about Zul-Qarnain are added, the total is a multiple of 19 =>1482 = 19x78, which can be a physical evidence for us that the advent of Zul-Qarnain is the final sign connected to the end of the world.


    Note: Although there is a mention of Zul-Qarnain in the verse 83 just being a concern while the prophetic statement starts at the verse 84./ul>

    The dwelling places followed by the end of the world

    • And we will present Hell, on that day, to the disbelievers in an open view (18:100). They are the ones whose eyes were veiled from My reminder and were unable to hear (18:101). Did those who disbelieve think that they can take My servants as protectors beside Me? We have prepared for the disbelievers Hell as a dwelling place (18:102).
    • Say, “Shall we inform you of the greatest losers by their works? (18:103).Those who have lost their efforts in the life of the world, while they think that they are doing good deed.” (18:104). Those are the ones who have disbelieved in their Lord’s revelations and His meeting. So it has been vain of their deeds, and we will not grant for them any weight on a day of the Resurrection (18:105). That is their recompense is Hell, for that they have disbelieved and have taken My revelations and My messengers in ridicule (18:106).
    • Indeed, those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, has been for them Gardens of Firdous as a dwelling place (18:107), will be abiding therein forever; they will not intend any move from it (108).
    • Note: God has confirmed that Hell will be the dwelling place for:(a) the disbelievers as they were heedless to His revelations and messengers as well as had accepted His servants as protectors beside Him and (b) those who were astray in the worldly life but they thought they were doing right things. On the other hand, Paradise will be the dwelling place for those who believed and did righteous works, wherein they will abide forever.

    Follow only the Quran and worship God alone

    • Say, “If the ocean had been ink for my Lord’s words, surely, the ocean would have run out before that my Lord’s words would run out, even if we had brought with like of it as (ink) supplement.” (18:109). Say, “I (Muhammad) am only a human being like yourselves, it is inspired to me that your god is One god. So whoever has been hoping of meeting his Lord, then he should do deed as righteous and he does not associate anyone in worship of his Lord.” (18:110).
    • Note: The two crucial commandments are explicitly clarified and emphasized: (a) Quran is the only source of religious laws and teachings – (i) it has everything what we need to believe and do as righteous, (ii) whatever God has left out of it, has left out deliberately and (iii) we should not hasten in making judgment on certain events based on limited information, and (b) we are to do deed as righteous as well as to worship God alone without associating anyone with Him if we have been hoping to meet our Lord.


    There are 110 verses in the surah al-Kahf (The Cave) and the most significant aspects that are covered in the surah are: (1) God has given us a straightforward scripture, (2) a warning of not to say God has taken a son, (3) an indication that the world will come to an end, (4) the story of the youths in the cave, (5) full freedom in religion, (6) a warning not to idolize our wealth, (7) a hint when the world will come to an end, (8) a warning of not to choose the Satan and his descendants as protectors, (9) citing examples in the Quran to teach us to go to the straight path, (10) Retribution comes from God at an appointed time (11) lessons of Moses, (12) advent of Zul-Qarnain, (13) dwelling places followed by the end of the world and (14) commandments of following Quran alone and worshipping God alone.

    The story of the dwellers in the cave is connected with the end of the world and the duration of their staying in the cave is expressed in a peculiar way (300 + 9) representing 300 solar years and 309 lunar years being the difference is 9 years. The history and the archeological discovery around the dwellers of the cave are also considered together to depict the fact to support its connection to predict the year of the end of the world while the number of dwellers in the cave cannot be confirmed.

    God has promised to send Zul-Qarnain just before the end of the world with every means to save the believers from the disbelievers and from the oppression of Gog and Magog. The appearance of Zul-Qarnain is the final sign when the world will come to an end. Zul-Qarnain, and Gog and Magog are allegorically presented; It is believed that Zul-Qarnain is one of the God chosen while Gog and Magog are two villainous communities. Zul-Qarnain will be able to build strong protection between the believers and Gog and Magog but at certain point the protection will be broken according to God’s will when the horn is blown. Then the world will come to an end and we all will be gathered before our Lord. However, there is also another version about Zul-Qarnain based on its literary meaning “Having two horns” interpreting two generations that the world will survive two generations on the appearance of Gog and Magog.

    Finally, the two crucial commandments are explicitly clarified and emphasized: to follow only the Quran which has everything that we need to lead a righteous life and to worship God alone as there is no other protectors beside Him. What we may also learn from the sura that we should not hasten in making judgment on any matters based on limited information instead we should be patient and wait to have more information or it might be better for us to think that at this point we are not knowledgeable to make any concrete conclusion on the matter if our only objective is to be righteous for pleasing God.
    Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
    Tafazzal (8/5/2016).