Commandment No | Source | |
Exodus 12: 1-17 & Deut. 5: 6-21 | Verses and Chapters in Quran | |
1 | Thou shall not take any God except God. |
2 | Thou shall make no image of God. |
3 | Thou shall not use God’s name in vain |
4 | Thou shall honor thy mother and father. |
5 | Thou shall not steal. |
6 | Thou shall not lie or give false testimony. |
7 | Thou shall not kill. |
8 | Thou shall not commit adultery. |
9 | Thou shall not covet thy neighbors, wife or possessions. |
10 | Thou shall keep the Sabbath holy. |
The Sabbath was relinquished with the revelation of the Quran while God has ordered us to make every effort and drop all businesses to attend the Friday congregational prayer. We should force ourselves to observe the commandments, even if it means giving up on trade. We may tend to our business during the rest of the day but with continuous appreciation of God (62:10):
[62:10] Then when the salat prayer has been completed, then you shall spread through out the land and shall seek God’s bounty, and shall remember God very often that you may succeed.
In fact, the God’s religion has evolved over the period of time according to God’s will to make it befitting to the respective generation of people though the core message always been the same for all generations of people. The God’s religion means the submission to the will of God as given by Him (3:19), which was formally named during the time of prophet Abraham (22:78) and the religious rites that we practice today were also given to him that came down to us through the practicing of people generation after generation ( 16:123, 4:125). Thus, the religion, submission (Islam in Arabic, which we can call what it means in other languages) given to the human race is the religion of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, Muhammad and all the messengers who are mentioned or who are not mentioned in the scripture (4:164). It is also the religion of Adam and Eve but in a simple form just a few words that were required for them to recite for their redemption (2:37) and the continuation is found in the similar words given in surah 1 (al-Faatihah – The Key) for our redemption as well.
[5:44] Indeed, we have sent down the Torah; in it there was guidance and light judged by it the prophets who had submitted for those who had been Jews, and the Rabbis, and the priests with what they had been entrusted with the scripture of God and they had been witnesses upon it. So, you do not fear the people but you shall fear Me, and you do not sell My revelations for a small price. And whoever does not judge with what God has sent down, then those – they are the disbelievers.
[3:48] “He (God) will teach him (Jesus) the scripture, the wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel.”
[3:3] He has sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture (Quran) with the truth confirming that which was before of it (Injeel), and He has sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
[5:48] And we have sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture with the truth confirming (musaddiqan) that which was before of it of the scripture and consolidating (muhayminan) of it. So, you shall judge between them with what God has sent down and do not follow their wishes as when there has come to you of the truth. For each we have made for you a law and a clear way. And if God had willed, He would have made you one community, but to test you in what He has given you. So, you shall compete for the good. To God you will return all, then He will inform you of what you have done to dispute in it.
[74:31] And we have not made guardians of the Fire except angels, and we have not made their number except a warning for those who disbelieved, that may ascertain those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and may increase faith of those who have believed (Muslims), and may not doubt those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and the believers (Muslims). And that may say those in their hearts there is a disease (hypocrites) and the disbelievers, “What did God mean by this allegory?” Thus, God misguides whomever He wills and He guides whomever He wills. And none knows your Lord’s soldiers except He. And it is not except a reminder for the human race.
[17:110] Say, “You shall call God or shall call the Gracious. By whatever you call, then to Him belong the magnificent names.” And you (prophet) do not be loud in your salat prayer, nor do you be silent in it, while you shall seek a way in between that.
[5:6] O you who have believed, when you have risen for the salat prayer, then you shall wash your faces, and your hands up to elbows; and shall wipe of your heads, and your feet up to the ankles. And if you have been impure (due to touch your women), then you shall purify. But if you have been ill or on a journey or anyone from you has come from the toilet or has touched the women, then you do not find water, then you shall do with a dry clean soil, then you shall wipe of your faces and your hands from it. God does not want to make any difficulty upon you, but He wants to purify you and to complete His favor upon you that you may appreciate.
[2:185] Ramadan which is a month, has been sent down in it the Quran as a guidance for the people, clear proofs of the guidance and the statute book. So whoever among you has witnessed the month, then he should fast in it, and whoever has been ill or on a journey then the prescribed number from other days. God wishes ease for you and He does not wish hardship for you, and that you may complete the prescribed number, and that you may glorify God through which He has guided you and that you may appreciate.
[2:187] It has been made lawful for you the approach to your women in a night of the fasting. They are garments for you and you are garments for them. God knows that you have done to deceive yourselves, so He has turned to you and has had mercy on you. So now you should approach them and shall seek what God has prescribed for you. And you shall eat and drink until the white thread becomes distinct from the black thread of the dawn; then you shall complete the fast until the night. And you should not approach them while you are secluded in the masjids. That is of God’s limits, so you should not approach it. Thus that God makes clear His revelations for the people that they may be righteous.
On the other hand, there are clear evidences that His religion has been corrupted with man-made innovations such as Talmud, Trinity, and Hadith and Sunnah while some practices are lost. Quran confirms that Salat was lost after some generations for the people of the book (19:59). Losing it involved changing it in every aspect, and the Salat as practiced today by most of the Jews and Christians is different from what was given to their prophets. Very few Jews and Christians have maintained the inherited Salat. In a book entitles “To Pray as a Jew” by Hayim Halevy Donin, it has been found a lengthy explanation of the Prayers as done by the ancient Jews and few of the contemporary Jews. In this book the author put diagrams showing the movement and positions during the prayer. One look at these illustrations is enough for the Muslims to realize the similarity of the prayers of the Jews then and Salat as practiced by the Muslims.
In his comment about these positions the author wrote : “In most contemporary congregations very few people keep to the tradition of falling prostrate. Sometimes it is only the Prayer leader and the rabbi who does so. In more traditional congregations, however, some worshipers, men and women, will join the Prayer Leader and rabbi in the act of prostrating themselves. In Israeli synagogues, the practice is more widespread than in synagogues elsewhere. Since this is a position that we are unaccustomed to, one who has never done this before might very well demur. But once accomplished, the experience provides such a spiritual uplift that one looks forward to repeating it. Those willing to try this ancient ritual form on the rare occasions that call for it might welcome the following diagrams of the correct procedure”
It is also interesting to learn from this book that the prayers of the Jews involve wash before the prayers, (like Wuduu or ablution for Muslims), and the call for Prayers (like the Azan for the Muslims).
Not only a short absence of Moses from his people made them idol worshipers by worshiping calf but most people down the generations make them idol worshipers by excessive focusing on their prophets, messengers and saints even the religious leaders and scholars (9:30-31) instead of focusing on the divine message. The believers of the message fail to realize that prophets and messengers are simple minded people who are chosen with certain message supported by certain prophetic signs to deliver that message to the respective community of the people. They do not have any mission of their own except to deliver the divine message but the followers of the message become blind to their mistakes and weakness considering them heavenly persona. However, their mistakes and weakness are found when they try to do or share something from their own end. Thus, idol worshiping is a human tragedy as the people cannot realize it what they are doing to nullify their all works while God has clearly explained in His final scripture who is worthy of worship to protect us from such horrendous offense (4:48, 4:116, 39:65):
[30:40] God is the One who has created you, then He has provided for you, then He will cause you to die, then He will give you life. Is there any of your partners who does anything of that? Glory is His, and He has exalted high above what they associate.
[82:19] A day no soul will have power for another soul in anything, and the command on that day will belong to God.
[1:2-4] All praise to God, Lord of the worlds. The Gracious, The Merciful. Master of a Day of the Judgment.
[24:36] In houses God has ordered that His name will be raised and will be remembered in them. Glorifies for Him in them in the mornings and the evenings.
[33:41-42] O you who have believed, you shall remember God very often, and shall glorify Him day and night.
[6:82] Those who have believed, and they do not mix their faith with wrong, those – for them is the security, and they are the guided ones.
In conclusion, despite the core message and practice always been the same, God’s religion does evolve over the period of time to make it befitting to the generation of people based on the development of the human civilization on earth according to God’s will. Thus, His religion is progressive that should not be trapped in time and place nor to be connected with any prophets and messengers. However, absolutely, there is no evolution of God, and any such conceptualization or to make it a subject of discussion from any corner is a blasphemy.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (5/20/2016)