Idolatry in general is the worship of a statute or a person in place of God while association of anything or anyone in the worship of God is a tragedy for the people who practice divine religion even idolizing the prophet and the messenger. He has given us the Quran which is so efficient to find the truth as well as to do the righteous deeds avoiding idolatry even reflecting to a set of verses in it to make it simple for us that we never fall into idol worshipping being an unforgiveable sin.
However, 168 instances of شَرِيك (shareek) meaning partners in eight different grammatical forms in the Quran as shown in the table below may help us understand idolatry and avoid it in order to perfect our beliefs and practices being the basis of our success with God in the Hereafter:
Note: The above table is populated with data obtained from the
Out of 168, 117 instances in the verb and noun form have already been reviewed while here are 51 instances in the active participle form found in 45 verses across 21 suras to understand that idolatry is a horrendous crime, which nullifies our all deeds if it has been maintained until death while God is forgiving and merciful for whoever has repented and reformed before death comes to him:
Instance of mush’rik
There are 44 instances of مُشْرِك (mush’rik) in the active participle form meaning “Idolater/idol worshipper” found in 43 verses in 19 suras described below:
[2:105] Neither those who have disbelieved from the people of the scripture, nor the idolaters like (maa yawaddu alladheena kafaruu min ahli al-kitaabi wa-laa-al-mus’hrikeena) that any good is sent down to you from your Lord. And God chooses with His mercy whomever He wills, while God is Possessor of the great bounty.
[2:135] And they said, “Be Jews or Christians to guide you.” Say, “Nay, a religion of Abraham – monotheism, and he has not been with the idolaters (wa-maa kaana mina al-mush’rikeena).”
[2:221] And you do not marry the idolatresses until they believe; and surely, a believing slave woman is better than an idolatress, even if she has pleased you. And you do not get married to the idolaters (wa-maa-tunkihuu al-mush’rikeena) until they believe; and surely, a believing slave man is better than an idolater (wa-la`abdun mu’minun khayrun min mush’rikin), even if he has pleased you. Those – they invite to the Fire, while God invites to the Paradise and the forgiveness by His permission. And He clarifies His revelations for the people that they may take heed.
[3:67] Abraham has neither been a Jew nor a Christian but he has been a monotheist submitter, and he has not been with the idolaters (wa-maa kaana mina al-mush’rikeena).
[3:95] Say, “God has declared truth that you shall follow a religion of Abraham – monotheism, and he has not been with the idolaters (wa-maa kaana mina al-mush’rikeena).”
[6:14] Say, “Is there other than God I should take as protector, Initiator of the heavens and the earth, while He feeds and is not fed?” Say, “Indeed, I have been commanded that I be a first who has submitted, and you do not be with the idolaters (wa-laa-takuunanna mina al-mush’rikeena).”
[6:23] Then it will not be their plea except that they say, “By God our Lord, we had not been the idolaters (wa-allahu rabbinaa maa kunnaa al-mush’rikeena).”
[6:79] “Indeed, I have turned my face to the One who has created the heavens and the earth as monotheist, and I am not with the idolaters (wa-maa anaa mina al-mush’rikeena).”
[6:106] You shall follow what has been inspired to you (Muhammad) from your Lord: there is no god except He, and shall turn away from the idolaters (wa-a`rid `ani al-mush’rikeena).
[6:121] And you do not eat of that is not mentioned God’s name upon it, and indeed, it is surely an abomination. And indeed, the devils surely inspire to their allies that they dispute with you; and if you have obeyed them, indeed you surely be idolaters (wa-in ata`tumuuhum innakum la’mush’rikuuna).
[6:137] And thus that has made fair seeming to many of the idolaters (wa-ka-dhaalika zayyana li’katheerin mina al-mush’rikeena) of their partners in killing their children that they may ruin them and that they may make confused their religion for them. And if God had willed, they would not have done it. So you shall leave them and what they invent.
[6:161] Say, “Indeed, my Lord has guided me to a straight path, a right religion of Abraham – monotheism. And he has not been with the idolaters (wa-maa kaana mina al-mush’rikeena).”
[9:1] A declaration from God and His messenger to those with whom you have made a treaty from the idolaters (ilaa alladheena `aahadttum mina al-mush’rikeena).
[9:3] An announcement from God and His messenger to the people on a day of the great pilgrimage that God is free from the idolaters and so is His messenger (allaha bareeion mina al-mush’rikeena wa-rasuuluhu). So if you have repented, then it has been better for you. And if you have turned away, then you shall know that no escaping from God. And you shall give news to those who have disbelieved a painful punishment.
[9:4] Except for those with whom you had a treaty from the idolaters (illaa alladheena `aahadttum mina al-mush’rikeena) then they have not failed you anything nor have they supported anyone against you; then you shall fulfill to them their treaty till their term. Indeed, God loves the righteous.
[9:5] Then when has passed the sacred months, then you shall kill the idolaters (fa-uq’tuluu al-mush’rikeena) wherever you have found them, and shall seize them, and shall surround them, and shall ambush for them at every place of ambush. So if they have repented and have observed the Contact Prayer (al-salata) and have given the Obligatory Charity (al-zakata), then you shall leave their way. Indeed, God is Forgiving, Merciful.
[9:6] And if anyone of the idolaters has sought your protection (wa-in ahadun mina al-mush’rikeena istajaaraka), then you shall grant him protection until he hears God’s Word, then you shall escort him to his place of security. That is of that they are a people who do not know.
[9:7] How can be a treaty for the idolaters with God and with His messenger (kayfa yakuunu lil’mush’rikeena `ahdun `inda allahi wa-`inda rasuulihi) except those with whom you have made a treaty near the Sacred Masjid? So long as they have been upright to you, then you shall be upright to them. Indeed, God loves the righteous.
[9:17] It has not been for the idolaters that they maintain God’s masjids (maa kaana lil’mush’rikeena an ya`muruu masaajida allahi) are witnesses against themselves with disbelief. For those, has made worthless their deeds, and in the Fire they will be abiding forever.
[9:28] O you who have believed, indeed, the idolaters are corrupt (yaa’ayyahaa alladheena innamaa al-mush’rikeena najasun), so they should not come near the Sacred Masjid after this year. If you have feared poverty, then God will enrich you from His bounty if He wills. Indeed, God is Knower, Wise.
[9:33] He is the One who has sent His messenger with the guidance and a religion of the truth that He would make it prevail over the religion of its any, even if has disliked the idolaters (wa-law kariha al-mush’rikuuna).
[9:36] Indeed, a number of the months with God is twelve months in ordinance of God from a day He has created the heavens and the earth; of them four are sacred. That is the right religion; so you should not wrong yourselves in them. And you shall fight the idolaters all together (wa-qaatiluu al-mush’rikeena kaaffatan) like they fight you all together, and shall know that God is with the righteous.
[9:113] It has not been for the prophet and those who have believed that they ask forgiveness for the idolaters (an yastaghfiruu lil’mush’rikeena), even though they have been nearest relatives after what has become clear to them that they are dwellers of the Hellfire.
[10:105] And that you shall establish yourself to the religion – monotheism, and you do not be with the idolaters (wa-laa-takuunanna mina al-mush’rikeena).
[12:106] And most of them does not believe in God except while they are idolaters (illaa wa-hum mush’rikuuna).
[12:108] Say, “This is my path: I invite to God with insight – I and whoever has followed me. And glory to God, and I am not with the idolaters (sub’haana allahi wa-maa anaa mina al-mush’rikeena).”
[15:94] So, you shall proclaim of what you are ordered, and shall turn away from the idolaters (wa-a`rid `ani al-mush’rikeena).
[16:100] Only his (Satan) authority is over those who take him as an ally, and those who – they are idolaters with him (wa-alladheena hum bihi mush’rikuuna).
[16:120] Indeed, Abraham has been a community of monotheist obedient to God, and he was not with the idolaters (wa-lam yaku mina al-mush’rikeena).
[16:123] Then we have inspired to you (Muhammad) that you shall follow a religion of Abraham – monotheism, and he has not been with the idolaters (wa-maa-kaana mina al-mush’rikeena).
[22:31] Monotheists to God are not idolaters with Him (hunafaa-a lillahi ghayra mush’rikeena bihi). And whoever associates partners with God, then is that he had fallen from the sky, then the bird snatches him, or the wind blows away him to a far off place.
[24:3] The adulterer will not marry (yankihu) except an adulteress or an idolatress, and the adulteress will not marry (yankihuhaa) except an adulterer or an idolater (aw mush’rikun), while has been forbidden that for the believers.
[28:87] They cannot avert you (Muhammad) from God’s revelations, after when has been revealed to you. And you shall invite to your Lord and you would not be with the idolaters (wa-laa-takuunanna al-mush’rikeena).
[30:31] Turning all of you to Him, and you shall fear Him and shall observe the Contact Prayer (al-salata), and you would not be with the idolaters (wa-laa-takuunuu al-mush’rikeena).
[30:42] Say, “Travel in the earth, then you shall see how has been end of those who were before. Most of them had been idolaters (kaana aktharuhum al-mush’rikeena).”
[33:73] That God will punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, and the idolaters (wal-mush’tikeena) and the idolatresses while God will turn in mercy to the believing men and the believing women. And God has been Forgiving, Merciful.
[40:84] Then when they had seen our punishment they said, “We have believed in God Alone, and we have disbelieved in what we have been idolaters with Him (wa-kafarnaa bimaa kunna bihi mush’rikeena).”
[41:6] Say, “I (Muhammad) am only a human being like yourselves, it is inspired to me that your god is One god. So you (all) shall be straight to Him, and shall ask His forgiveness.” And woe to the idolaters (wa-waylun lil’mush’rikeena).
[42:13] He has decreed for all of you the religion what He had enjoined for Noah, and what we have inspired to you (Muhammad), and what we had enjoined for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus that you shall establish the religion and you do not divide in it. It has been difficult for the idolaters what you (Muhammad) call them to it (kabura `alaa al-mush’rikeena maa tad`uuhum ilayhi). God chooses to Himself whomever He wills and He guides to Himself whoever turns to.
[48:6] And He will punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, and the idolaters (wal-mush’rikeena) and the idolatresses being the thinkers of the evil thought about God. Upon them is a turn of the evil and has caused wrath of God upon them while He has cursed them and has prepared for them Hell, and it has been an evil destination!
[61:9] He has sent His messenger with the guidance and a religion of the truth that He would make it prevail over the religion of its any, even though has disliked the idolaters (wa-law kariha al-mush’rikuuna).
[98:1] Those who have disbelieved from a people of the scripture and the idolaters (min ahli al-kitaabi wal-mush’rikeena) would not be abandoning until the clear proof comes to them.
[98:6] Those who have disbelieved from a people of the scripture and the idolaters (min ahli al-kitaabi wal-mush’rikeena) will be in a Fire of Hell abiding in it forever. Those – they are a worst of the creatures.
Instance of mush’rikaat
There are 3 instances of مُشْرِكَٰت (mush’rikaat) in the active participle form meaning “idolatresses/idol worshipper women” found in 3 verses in 3 suras described below:
[2:221] And you do not marry the idolatresses until they believe (wa-laa-tankihuu al-mush’rikaati hattaa yu’minna); and surely, a believing slave woman is better than an idolatress, even if she has pleased you. And you do not get married to the idolaters until they believe; and surely, a believing slave man is better than an idolater, even if he has pleased you. Those – they invite to the Fire, while God invites to the Paradise and the forgiveness by His permission. And He clarifies His revelations for the people that they may take heed.
[33:73] That God will punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, and the idolaters and the idolatresses (wal-mush’rikaati) while God will turn in mercy to the believing men and the believing women. And God has been Forgiving, Merciful.
[48:6] And He will punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, and the idolaters and the idolatresses (wal-mush’rikaati) being the thinkers of the evil thought about God. Upon them is a turn of the evil and has caused wrath of God upon them while He has cursed them and has prepared for them Hell, and it has been an evil destination!
Instance of mush’rikat
There are 2 instances of مُشْرِكَة (mush’rikat) in the active participle form meaning “Idolatress/idol worshipper woman” found in 2 verses in 2 suras described below:
[2:221] And you do not marry the idolatresses until they believe; and surely, a believing slave woman is better than an idolatress (wa-la-`amatun mu’minatun khayrun mush’rikatin), even if she has pleased you. And you do not get married to the idolaters until they believe; and surely, a believing slave man is better than an idolater, even if he has pleased you. Those – they invite to the Fire, while God invites to the Paradise and the forgiveness by His permission. And He clarifies His revelations for the people that they may take heed.
[24:3] The adulterer will not marry (yankihu) except an adulteress or an idolatress (aw mush’rikatan), and the adulteress will not marry (yankihuhaa) except an adulterer or an idolater, while has been forbidden that for the believers.
Instance of mush’tarikuun
There are 2 instances of مُشْتَرِكُون (mush’tarikuun) in the active participle form meaning “sharing” found in 2 verses in 2 suras described below:
[37:33] Then indeed, that day they will be sharers in the punishment (fa-innahum yawma-idhin fee al-`adhaabi mush’tarikuuna) .
[43:39] And they will not benefit you the day when you have wronged that you will be sharers in the punishment (idh zalamtum annakum fee al-`adhaabi mush’tarikuuna).
- Neither people of scripture nor idolaters wish that any good is sent down to you from your Lord.
- The Jews and the Christians say that you have to be a Jew or a Christian to guide you.
- While God has declared to follow a religion of Abraham who has neither been Jew nor Christian.
- He has sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion to prevail it over any other religions.
- He has given religion for all and has warned us not to divide in it, which is difficult for the idolaters.
- Devils make idolaters their allies inspiring dispute about not mentioning God’s name upon it to eat.
- The number of months with God is twelve and He has made four of them that are sacred months.
- God has revealed His revelations to Muhammad to invite people to Him to prevent from idolatry.
- He has commanded him to be a submitter and has inspired him to follow the religion of Abraham.
- He has also inspired him that there is no god except God that he can turn away from the idolaters.
- Neither marry idolatresses nor get married to idolaters as they have been forbidden for believers.
- Idolaters will deny their idolatry when they meet their Lord and see the punishment cannot escape.
- It will be plea of the idolaters on that day that by God they had not been the idolaters.
- The disbelievers from people of scripture and the idolaters will be in Hell to abide in it forever.
- Most people who have claimed them that they are believers in God are not but the idolaters.
Even, the Arabic phrase, fa-is’taqeemuu ilayhi wa-is’tagh’firuuhu may help us to avoid the idolatry.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (4/02/2021).