
Review instances of nabiy (prophet) in the Quran – Part I

There are 75 instances of “Nabiy” in the singular form meaning “Prophet” and “Nabiyeen” in the plural form meaning “Prophets” in the Quran found in 72 verses across 20 surahs. Out of 72 verses, 32 verses across 8 surahs are reviewed here to better understand the role of prophet including the definition of the term as well as association of the scripture with the term being a guidance for the people to judge any disputes among them:

[2:61] And you said, “O Moses, we cannot live on one kind of food; so you shall call upon your Lord for us to produce for us of what the earth grows of its beans, and its cucumbers, and its garlic, and its lentils, and its onions.” He said, “Would you exchange that which of it is inferior to that which of it is better? You shall go down to Egypt; then indeed, for you there is what you have asked for.” And it had been struck the humiliation and the misery upon them, and they had drawn wrath of God. That was of that they had done to disbelieve in God’s revelations, and killed the prophets without the justice (wa-yaqtuluuna al-nabiyeena bi-ghayri al-haqqi). That was of that they had disobeyed and had done to transgress.
Note: The history of the people of Israel with Moses has reflected in it, who had killed the prophets without justice, while they were disobedient and transgressors.

[2:91] And when it has been said to them, “You shall believe in what God has revealed,” they said, “We believe in what has been revealed to us.” And they disbelieve in what is after of it, while it is the truth, confirming that what is with them. Say, “Why did you then kill God’s prophets before (fa-lima taqtuluuna anbiyaa-a allahi min qablu), if you have been believers?”
Note: When the people of the previous scripture were told to believe in the Quran, they had disbelieved in it saying that they believe in what has been revealed to them, while they had killed God’s prophets.

[2:136] Say, “We have believed in God, and what has been revealed to us, and what has been revealed to Abraham, and Ismail, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and what has been given to Moses and Jesus, and what has been given to the prophets from their Lord (wa-maa uutiya al-nabiyuuna min rabbihim). We do not make distinction between any of them. And we are submitters to Him.”
Note: God has commanded the believers to believe in Him as well as in what has been revealed to Muhamad and in what has been revealed to the previous prophets and not to make distinction between any of them.

[2:177] It has not been the righteousness that you turn your faces towards the east and the west. But the righteousness is whoever has believed in God, and the Last Day, and the angels, and the scripture, and the prophets (wa-laakinna al-bira man aamana bil-lahi wal-yawmi al-aakhiri wal-malaaikati wal-kitaabi wal-nabiyeena); and has given the wealth in his live to those of the near relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and the traveling alien, and those who ask (the beggars), and in freeing the necks (slaves); and has established the salat, and has given the zakat; and those who keep their word when they have promised; and those who are steadfast in the suffering, and the hardship, and at time of the stress. Those are the ones who have been truthful, and these – they are the righteous.
Note: The righteous are those who believe in what God has commanded us to believe and to establish His given rites, and they keep their word when they have promised.

[2:213] Mankind had been a single community as God has raised the prophets as bearers of good news and warners (al-nabiyeena mubashureena wa-mundhireena) and has sent down with them the scripture with the truth that it can judge between the people in what they have differed in it. And it has not differed in it except those who have been given it after what has come to them the clear proofs out of jealousy between themselves. And God has guided those who have believed to what they have differed in it from the truth by His permission, while God guides whomever He wills to a straight path.
Note: Prophets are bearers of good news and warners to whom God has sent down the scripture with the truth to judge between the people in what they have differed. He guides those who have believed, while He guides whomever He wills to a straight path.

[2:246] Did you not see to the leaders of Children of Israel after Moses when they said to a prophet to them (idhaa qaaluu li-nabiyyin lahumu)? “Appoint a king for us, we will fight in a path of God.” He said, ” Would you not have been that if the fighting has been decreed upon you that you would not fight?” They said, “And what is for us that we would not fight in a path of God, while certainly, we have been driven from our homes and our children?” Then when the fighting had been decreed upon them, they turned away except a few of them. And God is Knower of the wrongdoers.
Note: The people of Israel said to their prophet that if a king has been appointed for them, they will fight in the path of God but when the fighting has been decreed upon them, they had turned away except a few.

[2:247] And their prophet said to them (wa-qaala lahum nabiyyuhum), “Indeed, God has certainly raised Talut as a king for you.” They said, “How would be the kingship for him over us, while we have more worthiness of the kingship than him, even though he does not have abundance of the wealth?” He said, “Indeed, God has chosen him over you, and has increased him with an abundance in the knowledge and the physique.” And God gives His kingship to whomever He wills, and God is Encompassing, Knower.
Note: When their prophet said to the people of Israel that God has raised Talut as a king for them, then they said he has not enough wealth how come he will be a king over them but God had increased him in wealth, knowledge and the physique; thus, He gives kingship to whomever He wills being Knower of all things.

[2:248] Their prophet said to them (wa-qaala lahum nabiyyuhum), “Indeed, there is a sign of his kingship that the Ark will come to you, in it there is a tranquility from your Lord and a remnant of what had left by the family of Moses and the family of Aaron, will carry it the angels. Indeed, in that there is surely a sign for you if you have been believers.”
Note: There was a sign of his kingship is the ark being a tranquility and a remnant of the family of Moses and Aaron carried by the angels.

[3:21] Indeed, those who disbelieve in God’s revelations, and kill the prophets without justice (wa-yaqtuluuna al-nabiyeena bi-ghayri haqqin), and kill those who order with the justice among the people, then you shall give them news of a painful punishment.
Note: There is a painful punishment for those who have disbelieved in God’s revelations, kill the prophets without justice and kill those who order with the justice.

[3:39] Then the angels had called him (Zacharia) when he was praying in the sanctuary, “That God gives you good news of John confirming with a word from God, and an honorable and an honest and a prophet from the righteous (wa-sayyidan wa-hasuuran wa-nabiyyan mina al-saaliheen).”
Note: The angels gave a good news to Zacharia of John confirming from a word of God to be an honorable and honest and a prophet from the righteous.

[3:68] Indeed, the people nearer to Abraham are those who have followed him and this prophet (Muhammad) (lalladheena ittaba`uuhu wa-haadhaa al-nabiyu), and those who have believed. And God is a Protector of the believers.
Note: God is a Protector of the believers who have followed Abraham who had been given the rites that we practice today and Muhammad who had been given the Quran.

[3:80] Nor would he (who has been given prophethood) command you that you take the angels and the prophets as lords (an tattakhidhuu al-malaaikata wal-nabiyeena arbaaban). Would he order you to the disbelief after when you are submitters?
Note: No prophets have ordered the people to take the angels and themselves as lords to make them disbelievers after being submitters to God.

[3:81] And God has taken a covenant of the prophets (wa-idh akhadha allahu meethaaqa al-nabiyeena), “Surely, whatever I have given you from scripture and wisdom. Then a messenger has come to you confirming that which is with yourselves. You must believe in him and must support him.” He said, “Have you affirmed and taken My covenant on that?” They said, “We have affirmed.” He said, “Then you shall bear witness and I am with you among the witnesses.”
Note: God has taken a covenant from the prophets who have been given scripture and wisdom that He will send a messenger when all the scripture are delivered is a confirmation in the Quran of the covenant, which has been placed in every scripture.

[3:84] Say, “We have believed in God, and what has been revealed upon us, and what has been revealed on Abraham, and Ismail, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and what has been  given to Moses, and Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord (wal-nabiyuuna min rabbihim). We do not make distinction between any of them. And we are submitters to Him.”
Note: God has commanded the believers to believe in Him as well as in what has been revealed to Muhamad and in what has been revealed to the previous prophets and not to make distinction between any of them.

[3:112] The humiliation has been struck on them wherever that they have been found except with a rope from God and a rope from the people. And they have incurred wrath from God, and the poverty has been struck on them. That is of that they have done to disbelieve in God’s revelations and kill the prophets without justice (wa-yaqtuluuna al-anbiyaa-a bi-ghayri haqqin). That is of what they have disobeyed and have done to transgress.
Note: The humiliation and poverty struck those who had disbelieved in God’s revelations and kill the prophets without justice when they disobeyed and transgressed.

[3:146] And many a prophet had fought (wa-ka-ayyin min nabiyyin qaatala), with him there were many sincere worshipers. Then they had not lost heart for what befell them in a path of God, nor had they been weakened, nor had they surrendered. And God loves the patient.
Note: Many a prophet had fought, and with him there were sincere worshipers, who had not lost their hearts to befall them in a path of God, nor had they been weakened, nor had they surrendered.

[3:161] And it has not been for a prophet that he should defraud (wa-maa kaana li-nabiyyin an yaghulla). And whoever defrauds will bring with what he had defrauded on a day of the Resurrection. Then every soul is repaid for whatever it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
Note: It has not been for a prophet that he should defraud, and whoever defrauds will be brought on a day of the Resurrection, while every soul will be repaid whatever it had earned.

[3:181] Certainly, God has heard saying of those who said, “Indeed, God is poor and we are rich.” We will record what they have said, and their killing of the prophets without justice (wa-qatlahumu al-anbiyaa-a bi-ghayri haqqin), and we will say, “Taste a punishment of the burning Fire.
Note: God has recorded of their saying that God is poor and they are rich, and will taste the painful punishment of the burning Fire for their killing of the prophets without justice.

[4:69] And whoever obeys God and the messenger, then those will be with those whom God has bestowed favor upon them of the prophets, and the truthful, and the martyrs, and the righteous (mina al-nabiyeena wal-siddeeqeena wal-shuhadaai wal-saaliheena); and of those has been excellent companion.
Note: God has bestowed favor upon the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the righteous being an excellent companion.

[4:155] So of that their breaking of their covenant, and their disbelief in God’s revelations, and their killing of the prophets without justice (wa-qatlihimu al-anbiyaa-a bighayri haqqin), and of their saying, “Our hearts have wrappings.” Nay, God has sealed on them (hearts) of their disbelief. Then they cannot believe, except a few.
Note: God has sealed the hearts of the people of the previous scripture for breaking their covenant, their disbelief in God’s revelations and killing their prophets without justice, while they cannot believe.

[4:163] Indeed, we have inspired to you (Muhammad), as we had inspired to Noah and the prophets after him (kamaa wahaynaa ilaa nuuhin wal-nabiyeena min ba’dahi). And we had inspired to Abraham, and Ismail, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and Jesus, and Job, and Jonah, and Aaron, and Solomon. And we had given David Psalms.
Note: God has given scripture to Muhammad as He had given scripture to Noah and the prophets after him: Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, Solomon, and David who had been given Psalms.

[5:20] And when Moses said to his people, “O my people, you shall remember God’s blessing upon you, when He had made prophets among you (idh ja`ala fikum anbiyaa-a), and had made you kings, and had given you what He did not give to anyone of the people of the world.
Note: Moses reminded his people to remember God’s blessing as He had raised many prophets and had made kings from them that they may appreciate Him.

[5:44] Indeed, we have revealed the Torah, in it there is guidance and light to judge with it the prophets those who had submitted (to God) (yah’kumu bihaa al-nabiyuuna alladheena aslamuu) for those who have turned Jews, and the rabbis and the priests with what they have been entrusted with God’s scripture, and they have been witnesses upon it. So you do not fear the people, while you shall fear Me, and you do not sell of My revelations for a small price. And whoever does not judge with what God has revealed, then those – they are the disbelievers.
Note: God had revealed the Torah to the prophets as a guidance and light for the Jewish people to judge among them, while the rabbis and the priests were entrusted with it, which is a compilation of scripture given to a number of the Jewish prophets, and they will not sell His revelations with a small price. Thus, those who have not judged with what God has revealed to them are the disbelievers.

[5:81] And if they had done to believe in God, and the prophet and what has been revealed to him (wal-nabiyi wa-maa unzila ilayhi), they would not have taken them as allies, but many of them are disobedient.
Note: The Children of Israel make allies with those who have disbelieved in God, but if they had believed in God and what has been revealed to the prophet, they would not be the disobedient.

[6:112] And thus that we have made enemy for every prophet devils (wa-ka-dhaalika ja`alnaa likulli nabiyyin `aduwwan) from the human and the jinn to inspire one of them to other the fancy word of deception; and if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it. So, you all shall disregard them and what they invent.
Note: The enemies of every prophet are devils from the human and the jinn who inspire each other fancy word to deceive the people, while God has warned us to disregard them and their fabrications. Thus, hadiths and sunnah as invented by the frontline corruptors of Islam and assigned to prophet Muhammad are fabrications that the believers should disregard not to be deceived by the Satan and its allies.

[7:94] And we have not sent a prophet in any city (wa-maa arsalnaa fee qaryatin min nabiyyin), except we had seized its people with the adversity and the hardship so that they may humble.
Note: God has sent a prophet to a city, which has been seized with the adversity and the hardship so that its people may be humble.

[7:157] Those who follow the messenger, the gentile prophet (alladheena yattabi`uuna al-rasuula al-nabiya al-ummiya) whom (Muhammad) they (Jews and Christians) find him written in the Torah and the Gospel with them. He (gentile prophet) commands them of the right and forbids them from the evil; and he makes lawful for them the good things and makes unlawful upon them the bad things; and he relieves from them their burdens and the shackles, which has been upon them. So, those who have believed in him, and have honored him, and have helped him, and have followed the light with him, which has been sent down. Those – they are the successful ones.”
Note: God has sent down the scripture to the messenger, the gentile prophet who had no knowledge of the previous scripture to enjoin the people with the right and to forbid them from the evil making lawful what is good and unlawful what is bad to relieve from them burdens and shackles to become successful following the light (scripture) with him.

[7:158] Say, “O you the people; indeed, I (Muhammad) am a messenger of God to you all, the One to whom belongs dominion of the heavens and the earth. There is no god except He, who gives life and causes death.” So, you shall believe in God and His messenger, the gentile prophet (fa-aaminuu bil-lahi wa-rasuulihi al-nabiyi al-ummiyi), the one who believes in God and His words, and shall follow him so that you may guide.”
Note: God has commanded those who have been given the scripture and those who have not been given to follow His messenger, the gentile prophet who follows His words that they may guide them.

[8:64] O you prophet, your sufficiency is God (yaa-ayyuhaa al-nabiyu has’buka allahu) and whoever has followed you of the believers.
Note: God is sufficient for the prophet (Muhammad) as well as those who have followed what has been given to him.

[8:65] O you prophet, you shall urge the believers for the fighting (yaa-ayyuhaa al-nabiyu harridi al-mu’mineena `alaa al-qitaali). If there would be twenty steadfast among you, they will defeat two hundred, and if there would be one hundred among you, they will defeat one thousand of those who have disbelieved, because of that they are a people who do not understand.
Note: The believers were able to defeat even if the number is 10 times in the enemy party as  perfect belief had strengthened their hearts being God with them.

[8:67] It has not been for a prophet that (maa kaana li-nabiyyin an) there would be captives for him unless he battles in the land. You desire materials of the world, while God desires the Hereafter. And God is Almighty, Wise.
Note: Being a fair distribution of captives like the distribution of spoils of war the prophet would not have captives unless he has been in the battle field.

[8:70] O you prophet, say to whoever is in your hands of the captives (yaa-ayyuhaa al-nabiyu qul liman fee ay’deekum mina al-asraa), “If God knows any good in your hearts, He will give you better than what has been taken from you and will forgive for you. And God is Forgiving, Merciful.”
Note: Prophet was told to inform the captives who were in his hand that if God knows any good in your hearts, He will give better and will forgive you being Forgiving and Merciful one.


  • The history of killing the prophets without justice being disobedient and transgressors.
  • There is a painful punishment for those who have disbelieved in God’s revelations, kill the prophets without justice and kill those who order with the justice.
  • The believers are those who have followed Abraham who had been given the rites that we practice today and Muhammad who had been given the Quran.
  • The believers believe in God and in what has been revealed to Muhamad and in what has been revealed to the previous prophets not making distinction between any of them.
  • Righteousness is believing in God, the Last Day, the angels, the scripture, and the prophets.
  • Prophets are bearers of good news and warners to whom God has sent down the scripture with the truth and wisdom to judge between the people in what they have differed.
  • God has taken a covenant from the prophets who have been given scripture and wisdom that He will send a messenger when all the scripture are delivered.
  • God has made an excellent company with the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the righteous.
  • Those who have not judged with what God has revealed to them are the disbelievers.
  • Since the devils from the human and the jinn are enemies of every prophet inspire each other fancy word to deceive the people, hadiths and sunnah invented by the frontline corruptors of Islam and assigned to the prophet are fabrications that the believers should disregard not to be deceived.
  • God has sent down the scripture to the messenger, the gentile prophet to enjoin the people with the right and to forbid them from the evil making lawful what is good and unlawful what is bad to relieve their burdens and shackles to become successful following the light (scripture) with him.

Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (04/01/2022).