[40:25] Then when he (Moses) had come to them (Pharaoh, Haman and Qarun) with the truth from us (falammaa jaa-ahum bi-al-haqqi min indinaa), they said, “Kill sons of those who have believed with him, and live their women.” And it was not a plot of the disbelievers except in error.
[40:28] And a believing man from Pharaoh’s people concealing his faith said: “Will you kill a man that he (Moses) says: ‘My Lord is God’, and certainly, he has come to you with the clear proofs from your Lord (wa-qad jaa-akum bi-al-bayyinaati min rabbikum)? And if he is a liar, then his lie will be upon him, and if he is truthful, there will strike you with which he threatens you. Indeed, God does not guide whoever he is a transgressor, a liar.”
[40:29] “O my people, today to you belongs the kingdom being dominant in the earth, then who will help us from a punishment of God if it has come to us (fa-man yansuruuna min basi allahi in jaa-anaa)?” Pharaoh said, “I do not show you except what I see and I do not guide you except the right path.”
[40:34] And certainly, there had come to you Joseph before with the clear proofs (wa-laqad jaa-akum yuusufu min qablu bi-al-bayyinaati), then you had not ceased in doubt from what he had brought to you with him until when he had died (mimmaa jaa-akum bihi hattaa idhaa halaka); you said, “God will not raise a messenger after of him. Thus that God lets go astray whoever he is a doubtful transgressor.
[40:66] Say, “Indeed me (Muhammad), I have been forbidden to worship those whom (Allat, Al-uzza and Manat) you call other than God, when there had come to me the clear proofs from my Lord (lammaa jaa-aniya al-bayyinaatu min rabbi-i), and I have been commanded to submit to Lord of the worlds.”
[40:78] And certainly, we have sent messengers before yours (Muhammad). Of them there are whoever we have narrated to you, and of them there are whoever we do not narrate to you. And it has not been for any messenger that he brings of a sign except by permission of God. So, when there has come God’s command (fa-idhaa jaa-a amru allahi), it has been decided with the truth and there has lost the falsifiers.
[40:83] Then when there had come to them their messengers with the clear proofs (falammaa jaa-athum rusuluhum bi-al-bayyinaati), they had rejoiced in what is with themselves of the knowledge, and had enveloped with them what they had done to mock with it.
[41:14] When there had come to them the messengers before of them and after of them (idhaa jaa-at’humu al-rusulu min bayni ay’deehim wa-min khalfihim) that you do not worship except God. They said, “If our Lord had willed, surely, He would have sent down angels. So indeed, we are disbelievers of what you have been sent with it.”
[41:20] Until when that they (God’s enemies) have come to it (Hell) (hattaa idhaa maa jaa-uuhaa), has borne witness their hearing, and their sight, and their skins against them of what they had done to accomplish.
[41:41] Indeed, those who have disbelieved in the reminder (Quran) when it has come to them (inna alladheena kafaruu bi-al-dhik’ri lammaa jaa-ahum), and indeed, it is surely a powerful scripture.
[42:14] And they had not divided except after what had come to them the knowledge out of opposition between themselves (maa jaa-ahumu al-`il’mu baghyan baynahum). And if it had not preceded a promise of your Lord for a specified term, surely, it would have been settled between themselves. And indeed, those who have been made to inherit the scripture after of them, surely are in disquieting doubt from it.
[43:24] He would have said, “Even if have I come to you with a better guidance than what you have found your forefathers upon it (a-wa-law ji’tukum bi-ah’daa mimmaa wajad’ttum `alayhi abaa-akum)?” They would have said, “Indeed, we are disbelievers of what you have been sent with it.”
[43:29] Nay, I have given enjoyment to these and their forefathers until there had come to them the truth and a clarifying messenger (hattaa jaa-ahumu al-haqqu wa-rasuulun mubeenin).
[43:30] And when there had come to them the truth (wa-lammaa jaa-ahumu al-haqqu), they said, “This is magic, and indeed, we are disbelievers of it.”
[43:38] Until when he (the one being turned away from God by the Satan) had come to us (hattaa idhaa jaa-anaa), he said, “Oh I wish if there were a distance of the two Easts (East and West) between me and you (Satan). Then how has been miserable the companion!”
[43:47] Then when he (Moses) had come to them with our signs (falammaa jaa-ahum bi-aayaatinaa), then they laughed at them.
[43:53] Then why has not been placed bracelets of gold upon him, nor has come with him the angels accompanying (aw jaa-a ma`ahu al-malaaikatu muq’tarineena)?”
[43:63] And when Jesus had come with the clear proofs (wa-lammaa jaa-a `eesaa bi-al-bayyinaati), he said, “Certainly, I have come to you with the wisdom (qad ji’tukum bi-al-hik’mati), and that I make clear of that which you differ in it. So you shall fear God and shall obey me.
[43:78] Certainly, we had come to you with the truth (laqad ji’naakum bi-al-haqqi), but most of you were averse to the truth.
[44:13] How was for them (deniers) the reminder (Quran’s mathematical coding), and certainly, there had come to them a clarifying messenger (messenger of covenant) (wa-qad jaa-ahum rasuulun mubeenun)?
[44:17] And certainly, we had tested a people of Pharaoh before of them (deniers of the reminder), and there had come to them an honorable messenger (Moses) (wa-jaa-ahum rasuulun kareemun).
[45:17] And we have given them (Children of Israel) clear proofs of the commandment, then they have not differed except after what had come to them the knowledge out of jealousy between themselves (fa-maa ikh’talafuu illaa min ba’di maa jaa-ahumu al-`il’mi bagh’yan baynahum). Indeed, your Lord will judge between themselves on a day of the Resurrection in what they have done to differ in it.
[46:7] And when it is recited our clear revelations to them, said those who have disbelieved to the truth when it has come to them (qaala alladheena kafaruu lil’haqqi lammaa jaa-ahum): “This is a clear magic!”
[46:22] They said, “Have you (Hud) come to us to turn us away from our gods (a-ji’tanaa li’tafikanaa `an aalihatinaa? Then bring us of what you threaten us, if you have been truthful.”
[47:18] Do they then wait except for the Hour that it would come to them all of a sudden? Then certainly, there has come its signs (fa-qad jaa-a ash’ratuhaa). Then how is for them when there has come to them reminder of them (fa-annaa lahum idhaa jaa-at’hum dhik’raahum)?
[49:6] O you who have believed, if there has come to you a wicked person with an information (in jaa-akum faasiqun bi-naba-in), then you shall investigate, lest you harm a people in ignorance, then you become regretful over what you have done.
[50:2] Nay, they had wondered that there had come to them a warner from them (bal `ajibuu an jaa-ahum mundhirun minhum), and the disbelievers said, “This is an amazing thing.
[50:5] Nay, they had denied in the truth when it had come to them (bal kadhabuu bi-al-haqqi lammaa jaa-ahum), so they were in a confused situation.
[50:19] And there has come a moment of the death with the truth (wa-jaa-at sak’ratu al-mawti bi-al-haqqi), “That is what you have done to escape from it”
[50:21] And there has come every soul with it a driver and a witness (wa-jaa-at kulli nafsin ma`ahaa saaiqun wa-shaheedun).
[50:33] Whoever has feared the Gracious in the unseen and has come with a heart of turning to Him (wa-jaa-a bi-qalbin muneebin).
[51:26] So he (Abraham) had gone to his family, then had come with a roasted calf (fa-jaa-a bi-`ij’lin sameenin).
[53:23] These (Allat, Al-uzza Manat) are not but names you have named them – you and your forefathers. God has not sent down any authority to them. They (idol worshipers) do not follow except the conjecture and what desires the egos; and certainly, there has come to them the guidance from their Lord (wa-laqad jaa-ahum rabbihimu al-hudaa).
[54:4] And certainly, there has come to them the news, which in it is a warning (wa-laqad jaa-ahum mina al-anbaai maa feehi muz’dajarun).
[54:41] And certainly, there had come to a people of Pharaoh the warnings (wa-laqad jaa-a aala fir’`awna al-nudhuru).
[57:14] They (hypocrites) will call upon them (believers), “Would we not be with you?” They (believers) have said, “Yes, but you have tempted yourselves, and you have awaited, and you have doubted, and has deceived you the wishful thinking until there has come God’s command (hattaa jaa-a amru allahi). And the deceiver (Satan) has deceived you about God.”
[58:8] Do you not see of those who have been forbidden from the secret counsel, then they return to what they have been forbidden from it? And They hold secret counsel for sin and aggression and disobedience to the messenger. And when they have come to you (wa-idhaa jaa-uuka), they have greeted you with what God does not greet you with it, and they say among themselves, “Why God does not punish us for what we say?” Hell is sufficient for them, they will burn in it how worst has been the destination!
[59:10] And those who have come after of them say (wa-alladheena jaa-uu min ba`dahum yaquuluuna), “Our Lord, forgive for us and for our brethren who had preceded us in the faith, and do not place any hatred in our hearts towards those who have believed. Our Lord, indeed, You are Compassionate, Merciful.”
[60:1] O you who have believed, you do not take My enemies and your enemies as allies offering of love towards them, while certainly, they have disbelieved in what has come to you of the truth (wa-qad kafaruu bimaa jaa-akum mina al-haqqi), driving out the messenger and yourselves that you believe in God, your Lord, if you have come to strive in My way and seeking My pleasure, concealing of love towards them, while I am Knower of what you conceal and what you declare. And whoever does it from you, then certainly, he has strayed off the even path.
[60:10] O you who have believed, when there has come to you the believing women as emigrants (idhaa jaa-akumu al-mu’minaatu muhaajiraatin), then you shall test them. God is Knower of their faith. Then if you have learned them being believers, then you do not return them to the disbelievers. They are not lawful for them (disbeliever husbands), nor are they lawful for them (emigrant women). And you shall give them what they have spent, and there is no blame upon you if you marry them when you have given them their bridal dues. And you do not hold in marriage with the disbelieving women. And you shall ask them what you have spent, and they shall ask what they have spent. That is God’s judgment; He judges between yourselves, while God is Knower, Wise.
[60:12] O you prophet, when there has come to you the believing women pledging to you on that (idhaa jaa-aka al-mu’minaatu rubaayi`naka `alaa an) they will neither associate anything with God, nor will they steal, nor will they commit adultery, nor will they kill their children, nor will they bring of slander they invent it between their hands and their feet, nor will they disobey you in what is right, you shall accept their pledge and shall ask forgiveness of God for them. Indeed, God is Forgiving, Merciful.
[61:6] And when Jesus, son of Mary said, “O Children of Israel, indeed, I am a messenger of God to you confirming that which was before of me of the Torah, and a bearer of good news of a messenger to come after of me – his name to be Ahmad.” Then when he (Muhammad) had come to them with the clear proofs (falammaa jaa-ahum bi-al-bayyinaati), they said, “This is a clear magic.”
[63:1] When there has come to you (Muhammad) the hypocrites (idhaa jaa-aka al-munaafiquuna), they say, “We bear witness that you are surely a messenger of God.” And God knows that you are surely His messenger, and God bears witness that the hypocrites are surely liars.
[63:11] And God does not delay for a soul when there has come its term (death) (idhaa jaa-a ajaluhaa). And God is Cognizant of what you do.
[67:9] They (the disbelievers thrown in Hell) said, “Yes certainly, there had come to us a warner (balaa qad jaa-anaa nadheerun), but we had denied and we said that God has not sent down anything. You are not but in far astray.”
[69:9] And there had come to Pharaoh and whoever before of him, and the overturned cities of the sinners (wa-jaa-a fir’`awnu wa-man qablahu wa-al-mu’tafikaatu bi-al-khaatiati).
[71:4] “He will forgive for you of your sins and will respite you for a specified term. Indeed, God’s term when it has come is not delayed (inna ajala allahi idhaa jaa-a laa-yu-akharu) if you would have done to know.”
[79:34] Then when there has come the great disaster (fa-idhaa jaa-ati al-taamatu al-kub’raa).
[80:2] That there had come to him (prophet) the blind man (an jaa-ahu al-a`maa).
[80:8] And as for whoever had come to you (prophet) to strive (wa-ammaa man jaa-aka yas’`aa).
[80:33] Then when there has come the deafening blow (fa-idhaa jaa-ati al-saakhatu).
[89:22] And there has come your Lord and the angel row after row (wa-jaa-a rabbuka wa-al-malaku suffan suffan).
[89:23] And there has been brought of Hell that day (wa-jeea-a yawma-idhin bi-jahannama). That day, the human being will remember and how will be for him the remembrance?
[98:4] And those who have been given the scripture had not divided except after what has come to them the clear proof (illaa min ba’da maa jaa-at’humu al-bayyinatu).
[110:1] When there has come help of God, and the victory (idhaa jaa-a nasru allahi wa-al-fat’hu).
Upon completion of review of 277 instances of jaa-a meaning ‘to come or to bring’ found in 261 verses of the Quran across 62 surahs we can have a short summary that when God has sent messengers to the people with the reminder and the truth, they do not pay attention to them, and the punishment comes to the disbelieving people, even to the people of present generation for denying the reminder delivered by a messenger of covenant, which God has referred it to be a punishment like a punishment of the people of Pharaoh before of them when an honorable messenger had come to them, while the greater punishment is waiting for the disbelievers in the Hereafter. The warning has also come about the final judgment followed by the greater disaster when the Hell will be brought into existence and the disbelievers being the worst creatures will live therein forever, and the righteous believers being the best creatures will enter the Paradise flowing the rivers underneath of it wherein they will live forever.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (12/01/2023).